Weight Loss Is Not a Good Reason to Exercise

Are any of your feminine shoppers or participants exercising solely to lose weight? A recent study out of the University of Michigan indicates that this mindset is detrimental to maintaining an even, long-term regime. The study, reported within the journal Sex Roles, found that girls who exercise for a body- form motive, like desperate to lose weight or to become toned, pay regarding four-hundredth less time exercising than girls who exercise for non-body-shape motives, like reducing stress, increasing a way of well-being or intrinsically enjoying the activity for its own sake. 

The women, all in their mid-40s, reported what proportion they exercised during a typical week. Nearly 0.5 (44%) said they exercised to lose weight, maintain weight and/or tone their bodies. Here are some further findings:
  • Walking was an exercise selection for less than Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire of girls with a body-shape motivation, compared to fifty fifth of girls with non-body-shape motives.
  • Among girls with a body-shape motivation, fifty two reported taking categories and getting to gyms/fitness centers; constant was true for less than twelve-tone system of girls with non-body-shape motives.
  • Girls who exercised for body-shaping reasons participated in higher-intensity activities. They additionally selected activities that match into the a lot of ancient definition of exercise—more formal and structured—with the concept that that they had to travel somewhere for it to count as exercise.

“Women tend to choose one thing structural sort of a category, and that they quit when the category is over, or they jog as a result of an occasion is bobbing up and quit once the event,” said Michelle Segar, a University of Michigan psychology researcher, during a press unleash. “But one thing like walking frequently will facilitate a lot of long-term. You don’t need to sweat for exercise to count.”


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