Are you ready to be a vegetarian?

Are you ready to be a vegetarian? - That we often ask to ourselves. Because the reasons for health, beauty, love of animals, and reduce global warming, making the person ultimately reduce or do not consume animal flesh and dairy products. Such a person is usually called vegetarians. But did you know that there are several types of vegetarian based on what is consumed? What are the benefits and difficulties that have to undergo a diet like this?

Benefits of Being Vegetarian
The benefits of vegetarianism are primarily for health. Benefits include:
  • Very useful for health. As already known, vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber so it helps the digestive tract health and make you smoothly every day. Vegetables and fruits are loaded with antioxidants that can prevent cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
  • Increasing beauty, ageless skin by consuming natural foods. Vegetables and fruits can make the body look slimmer.
  • Help reduce global warming that's very disturbing the earth's population. Livestock industry became one of the causes of global warming on Earth and also contributed quite a lot of pollution, especially air pollution. In addition to warming and pollution generated in the industry, pollution is also generated from the process of making food for the animals.
It's hard Being a Vegetarian
In addition to the benefits, there was also a feeling of not able to try vegetarianism. Causes that may be experienced:
  • Love to eat meat, making it very difficult if you have to leave for the taste of meat remedy forever
  • By being a vegetarian would find it difficult if you have to eat out because it was difficult to find vegetarian food on the market.
Vegetarian Types
After seeing some of the benefits and difficulties encountered, you may interest to become a vegetarian too. Vegetarian does not mean people who only eat vegetables, but vegetarian is divided into several types. Each type has its own rules. This type of vegetarian is divided into:

Do not consume any animal flesh whether it's red meat, poultry or fish meat. Vegans do not consume animal products processed from a case of eggs, milk, or cheese.

Lacto Vegetarian
Do not consume any type of meat (red meat, poultry or fish meat) and eggs. But continue to consume milk.

Lacto Ovo Vegetarian
Do not consume any type of meat but allowed to eat eggs or dairy.

Pesca Vegetarian
Do not consume red meat or poultry meat but still allowed to consume eggs, milk and meat of fish.

Is the level that many make allowances for this kind may still consume meat and dairy products occasionally?

Just eat fruits, grains and nuts are rich in vitamin E and it’s useful for skin beauty and ageless.

Raw Foodist
Consume only raw foods, because cooking process is considered to be harmful to the natural things that exist.
The decision to become vegetarian or not it's just your own decision that you can think to take into consideration of its merits and its difficulties.


Hazardous chemicals contained in cigarettes

Do you include people who have great concern with health problems? If yes, then this article is very useful for you. We know, without us knowing it, the environment around us, including items of daily needs that we use, can negatively impact the health of our bodies. Unconsciously we have inhaled harmful chemicals that come from objects that are contained in which we live. Here are the authors describe some of the harmful chemicals that often are contaminated with our body without us knowing it. Although the levels of chemicals that go into the air have not exceeded the permitted threshold, but in case of exposure in a long time and can continue to affect our health.

1. Asbestos
Asbestos is mineral fiber silica that is flexible, durable and non-flammable. Asbestos was widely used as an electrical conductor and a good conductor of heat. Asbestos was widely used as a heat insulator and the sewer pipe household waste, and materials of the roof. Asbestos was widely used in building materials. If the bond in the compounds loose asbestos, the asbestos fibers will enter into the air and survive for a long time.

2. Bioaerosol
Biological contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, mosses, insects or plant pollen. Biological contaminants if blown by the wind will get into the air and pollute the clean air.

3. Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is a simple aldehyde. Formaldehyde gas is colorless and is emitted from building materials, household or industrial combustion processes. Formaldehyde is also found in pressed wood products, boards, wall boards, textiles (as in carpet and clothing).
Formaldehyde can enter the air due to erosion and evaporation occurs due to high heat.

4. Ingredients pertikulat
Pertikulat known as the flying dust in the air. Particulates can also be found in the form of metals asked which if inhaled by humans will lead to disease.

5. Volatile organic compounds. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) volatile at room temperature. VOCs are often found in aerosol form contained in cleaners, paint, varnish, wood products that are pressed, pesticides, and polish.

6. Carbon monoxide (CO)
Carbon monoxide or CO is a gas that is colorless, odorless and tasteless. CO gas can be liquid at temperatures below 129oC. CO gas comes mostly from burning of fossil material with air, the gaseous effluent. Large dense city traffic will generate a lot of CO gas so that the levels of CO in the air relatively high compared to rural areas. Addition of CO gas can also be formed from industrial processes. Naturally CO gas can also be formed, although relatively few, like the gases of volcanic activity, biological processes and others. In general CO is a gas formed through the following process:

1. The burning of fossil fuels.

2. The high temperature reaction between carbon dioxide (CO2) to carbon C producing CO gas.

3. At high temperature, CO2 can be decomposed back to CO and oxygen.

Deployment of CO gas in the air depending on the circumstances. For urban areas that many industrial activities and traffic was dense, the air is much polluted by CO gas. While the down town or village, relatively little contamination of CO in the air. It turns out that are still open lands where there are no buildings on it can help the absorption of CO gas. This is due to microorganisms present in the soil can absorb CO gas contained in the air. Wind can reduce the concentration of CO gas at a place because of shifting to another place.

Carbon monoxide (CO) if inhaled into the lungs will join the blood circulation and will prevent the ingress of oxygen that will be needed by the body. This can happen because the CO gas is toxic metabolism, involved in metabolism reacts with blood. Like oxygen, CO gas reacts with the blood (hemoglobin):

Hemoglobin + O2 -> O2Hb (oxyhemoglobin)

Hemoglobin + CO -> COHb (karboksihemoglobin)

CO gas concentration to 100 ppm is still considered safe if the contact time only briefly. CO gas is inhaled as much as 30 ppm when humans for 8 hours will cause dizziness and nausea. Influence of carbon monoxide (CO) of the human body was not the same as humans to each other. CO gas concentration on a space in the room will go up if there are people who smoke. People who smoke will smoke cigarettes containing CO gas with a concentration of more than 20,000 ppm which then become diluted approximately 400-5000 ppm for smoked. High concentrations of CO gas in cigarette smoke causes the content of COHb in the blood of people who smoke increases. This situation is certainly very dangerous to the health of people who smoke. People who smoke in a long time (heavy smokers), in their blood have COHb concentration of about 6.9%. This is why heavy smokers susceptible to heart attacks.

Effect of CO gas concentration in the air up to 100 ppm of the plant with almost nothing, especially in higher plants. When the concentration of CO gas in air reaches 2000 ppm and the contact time of more than 24 hours, then kana affect the ability of nitrogen fixation by free bacteria that exist in the environment mainly found in plant roots.

Reduced consciousness, causing many accidents, the function of neural control systems go down as well as the function of the heart and lungs decreased even cause death. The residence time of CO in the atmosphere approximately four months. CO can be oxidized to CO2 in the atmosphere is HO and HO2 radicals, or oxygen and ozone. Soil microorganisms are a material that can remove CO from the atmosphere.

From the research it is known that air containing 120 ppm of CO can be removed for 3 hours by contacting the soil with 2.8 kg (Human, 1971), thus the microorganisms can also remove compounds from environmental CO, which play an active role so far is a fungus Penicillium and Aspergillus.


The Benefits of Apples to Lose Weight

apples for health, benefits of apples, apple picture
You definitely know the name of apples, but did you know that the apples contained many benefits for health. Good apples are used as a favorite fruit for a diet to lose weight. Apples have a low fat content but the fiber contained in apples is very high, this fiber will help you feel full sooner. There are many health benefits of apples.

When we are hungry is actually happening is the emergence of stimulation of the stomach. Brain instructed to seek immediate food and filling that empty stomach. If the hull has been filled so naturally we're going to feel satiety, and will immediately stop the intake of food.

Benefits of apples: a diet rich in fiber and high water levels.
Choose foods with fiber content like fruits, vegetables, cereals, wheat. Apples along with pears, citrus fruits are among the high-yield fibers. Fruits with high water content are also often able to make the stomach to stretch. Melon and watermelon with its high water content, although low in fiber can easily create a stomach filled and filling.

Apple when eaten with the skin will make blood glucose levels in the slow ride. Glicemic skinned apple has a low index. The speed increase blood sugar levels can be reduced with a diet of low-yield index glicemic. In addition to these skinned apples, vegetables also have average levels of low index glicemic marked with the number of fibers on the leaves and stems.
The other benefits of apples
Apples contain high antioxidant, anti-oxidants may also help lower bad cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol, and it will protect you from heart disease.

In addition, there are many benefits of apple juice, among others, as follows.
  • Relieves diarrhea
  • Digestion and reduce weight
  • Apple juice can fend off viral infections
  • Helps treat asthma
  • Preventing tooth decay and gum disease
  • Strengthen kidney
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Fight arthritis
  • Stabilizes blood sugar
  • As an anticancer agent
I hope the article on the benefits of apples is useful for you. Thanks.


Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips - It was first thought of when we want to lose weight is to reduce the intake of food into the body. This is true but not the best way to lose weight. In fact, reduces food intake into the body can be dangerous to one's health. So, exactly how to lose weight that is safe for the body and our health?

Here are some things to watch when we go through weight loss diet, so you enjoy your cans diet programs and get the benefits:

1. Beware of Low-Calorie Diet

Most people think that reducing calories can help reduce excess fat in the body. This is due to the many food and beverage advertisements that promote foods low in calories. That sounds good, but really not the case. To burn fat, the body needs more energy. If the body lacks energy, fat burning food in the body was not optimal.

2. Eating Right

A healthy variety of foods must be considered when we are on a diet, not just enter a minimum calories into the body. This includes reducing the greasy foods, fried. As an alternative, you can choose the type of food steamed or baked. It should be noted, too, eat more fiber foods lead to better for your body.

3. Increase Muscle Mass in the Body

Muscles burn calories when they work, they even do it during recess. Unlike fats which just lie around, bulge around the pants and dangle beneath the arm, muscles burn calories all day round. With these facts, one can start weight loss by increasing muscle mass. More muscles, less fat will be left. This is achieved starting with working with resistance exercise.

4. Doing Aerobic and Sports

Aerobics are not only good for the heart in improving cardiovascular endurance, but also helps increase muscle mass while reducing excess body fat. In addition, aerobics make the metabolic process more efficient. Imagine that you can burn fat efficiently while driving along the freeway or even while watching television.

5. Avoiding Smoking and Caffeine

Some people believe that smoking and caffeine can actually help in losing weight. This may be true, but they harm the body because of side effects from smoking and caffeine.

6. Wary of Diet Pills Side Effects

Today we can find a variety of diet pills that promise we can lose weight in a relatively short time. However, one must be aware of the side effects of diet pills. More wise if you consult with your doctor before trying a diet pill subscription and also to know what types would be best for the individual.

The point is losing weight is not synonymous with sacrifice and suffering. This means opening up towards a healthier life, and where people can think positively about her body. Enjoy your diet program!

Tags: best weight loss program, top weight loss program, programs for weight loss, weight management programs, weight loss surgery


A cup of Chocolate Can Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack

A cup of Chocolate Can Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack - Based on historical experience, chocolate is known as a cure various diseases. Recent research suggests that cocoa may also have benefits for treating heart disease and stroke. A research team in Southampton, England, showed that consumption of a cup of cocoa can prevent blood clots.

If a blood clot in the brain or heart, it will be fatal. The cells in the blood called platelets are the cause of these clots, and the team showed that cocoa can resist platelet function.

Chocolate contains a substance called flavinoid are also found in red wine. Flavinoid can prevent coronary heart disease. However, their research has found other content in chocolate that may be useful for fighting platelets.

These findings can be used for the treatment of heart disease and stroke prevention. But it could also mean that a delicious cup of hot chocolate just important for people who have high-risk disease.

Another study in the Netherlands has shown that human blood type determines the risk of suffering Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). The study showed that blood type A, B, or AB have a high risk of DVT.

A blood type O with no content at high risk for carrying a variant of a protein called factor V Leiden, which affect the occurrence of clotting. Variants of this protein are found in approximately 3% of European descent.

This study shows that information on blood type may play a role in the regulation of DVT, especially to carry a variant of this protein. Thus, it is important for everyone to know their blood type.


Are you ready to be a vegetarian?

Are you ready to be a vegetarian? That we often ask to ourselves. Because the reasons for health, beauty, love of animals, and reduce global warming, making the person ultimately reduce or do not consume animal flesh and dairy products. Such a person is usually called vegetarians. But did you know that there are several types of vegetarian based on what is consumed? What are the benefits and difficulties that have to undergo a diet like this?

Benefits of Being Vegetarian
The benefits of vegetarianism are primarily for health. Benefits include:
  • Very useful for health. As already known, vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber so it helps the digestive tract health and make you smoothly every day. Vegetables and fruits are loaded with antioxidants that can prevent cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
  • Increasing beauty, ageless skin by consuming natural foods. Vegetables and fruits can make the body look slimmer.
  • Help reduce global warming that's very disturbing the earth's population. Livestock industry became one of the causes of global warming on Earth and also contributed quite a lot of pollution, especially air pollution. In addition to warming and pollution generated in the industry, pollution is also generated from the process of making food for the animals.
It's hard Being a Vegetarian

In addition to the benefits, there was also a feeling of not able to try vegetarianism. Causes that may be experienced:
  • Love to eat meat, making it very difficult if you have to leave for the taste of meat remedy forever
  • By being a vegetarian would find it difficult if you have to eat out because it was difficult to find vegetarian food on the market.
Vegetarian Types
After seeing some of the benefits and difficulties encountered, you may interest to become a vegetarian too. Vegetarian does not mean people who only eat vegetables, but vegetarian is divided into several types. Each type has its own rules. This type of vegetarian is divided into:
Do not consume any animal flesh whether it's red meat, poultry or fish meat. Vegans do not consume animal products processed from a case of eggs, milk, or cheese.
Lacto Vegetarian
Do not consume any type of meat (red meat, poultry or fish meat) and eggs. But continue to consume milk.
Lacto Ovo Vegetarian
Do not consume any type of meat but allowed to eat eggs or dairy.
Pesca Vegetarian
Do not consume red meat or poultry meat but still allowed to consume eggs, milk and meat of fish.
Is the level that many make allowances for this kind may still consume meat and dairy products occasionally?
Just eat fruits, grains and nuts are rich in vitamin E and it’s useful for skin beauty and ageless.
Raw Foodist
Consume only raw foods, because cooking process is considered to be harmful to the natural things that exist.
The decision to become vegetarian or not it's just your own decision that you can think to take into consideration of its merits and its difficulties.


Want To Know Secrets of Ageless?

Want to know secrets of Ageless? The answer is, eat tomatoes. Often people do not like to eat tomatoes. Usually, they are always separate the tomatoes in foods. In fact, in addition to tomatoes contain vitamin c which helps get rid of free radicals in the body, according to some experts, tomatoes are also potent combat premature aging.

Some British researchers have found that adding the tomatoes are cooked into the food every day increases the skin's ability to protect itself from harmful ultra violet rays.

Researchers at the University of Manchester and University of Newcastle found that adding five tablespoons of tomato paste to the daily diet of 10 volunteers can help avoid skin damage by providing protection against the effects of ultra violet rays. The damage caused is premature aging and skin cancer.

In one study, researchers gave 10 volunteers a total of 55 grams of standard tomato paste which contains high levels of cooked tomatoes and 10 grams of olive oil every day, while another 10 participants are given only olive oil.

After three months, skin samples from the tomato group showed they had given 33% extra protection from sunburn, similar to factor very little protection from the sun cream, and procollagen levels are much higher. Procollagen in the molecule which gives skin its structure and keeping it supple.

The study suggested the antioxidant lycopene, found in its highest concentration when the tomatoes have been cooked, was behind the apparent benefits.

But there are warnings that the tomato must be considered as a useful adjunct and not as an option for protection from the sun cream.

Researchers said the study was smaller and shorter, and they are now considering doing new research on the benefits of lycopene for the skin.

In addition, based on research conducted by the Rowett Research Institute in Scotland, found that liquids or slippery yellow jelly around tomato seeds found containing compounds or compounds that are effective against stroke and heart disease. When you drink tomato juice without discarding the seeds, then you have reduced the risk of blood clots around 72%, so you can avoid heart disease.


Benefits and content that substance in tea

Benefits and content that substance in tea - Tea comes from china "Tay" and is one of the oldest beverages in the world which is derived from the plant (camellia sinensis). Nutrient content and chemical composition in a cup of tea is about 4 calories. Tea also contains fluoride (up to 260 ppm in dry tea) and cobalt (1.8 g in 6 cups). In addition, tea contains vitamin B complex, vitamin B2, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, copper, potassium, vitamin C and caffeine. Approximately 1 / 3 to ½ of the components that are dissolved in the water when we brew tea are polyphenols, catechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallat and epicaltechin.

Tea for health benefits

Reducing the risk of cancer
Results of scientific studies have proved that tea has anti-mutagenic properties, so has the ability to prevent cancer. Catechins can prevent skin cancer caused by ultraviolet light or chemicals.

Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
The main cause of cardiovascular disease is high blood cholesterol levels and free radicals. Some studies reveal that drinking tea has a negative correlation with blood cholesterol levels. Polyphenols can neutralize free radicals. whereas free radicals can cause injury to the blood vessel wall which in turn facilitate the deposition of lipids or fats. And ultimately cause atherosclerosis (blocked arteries).

Losing weight
The existence of polyphenols may inhibit the absorption of other nutrients, including vitamin B and vitamin B1. By reducing the intake of vitamins B1, the weight will decrease.

Lowering high blood pressure
High blood pressure is influenced by angiotensin. Components that can suppress angiotensin enzyme tranferase will be able to reduce blood pressure. Epigallocatechin gallate can act as inhibitors of angiotensin transferase so that the person has a chance to drink tea for lowering blood pressure.

Benefits of minerals contained in tea

High fluoride levels in tea plays an important role to strengthen the teeth. Children who used to drink tea are less likely to suffer from caries (40% lower compared with those not drinking tea).

Manganese (Mn)
Manganese can help normalize the metabolism of sugar, because Manganese is a co-enzyme of Metallo enzymes in the mitochondria. In the mitochondria sugars have a perfect solution to form energy.

Potassium (K)
Potassium larger amount of sodium (Na) will be beneficial for people with high blood diseases.

Copper (Cu)
Copper plays an important role in the body as co-enzymes that destroy free radicals play a role. Destruction of free radicals reduce the chance of getting degenerative diseases (heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc)

Benefits of vitamins contained in tea

Vitamin K
The content of vitamin K can reach 300 to 500 IU / gram of tea. So the 5 cups of tea is filling the needs of vitamin C a day. Vitamin K is essential in the synthesis of various components that play a role in blood clotting.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant substance and many referred to as vitamin inhibiting the aging process and vitamins that can prevent cancer. The content of vitamin E is quite high about 24-80 mg/100 g, but unfortunately much damaged during processing, storage and manufacturing.

Vitamin C
The content of vitamin C in about 100 mg/100 g tea green tea, but partly damaged during processing.

This is a negative thing to remember from drinking tea

Do not drink tea after a meal, especially a thick tea.

A thick tea can affect kidney function especially when the kidneys have the disorder. In addition, tea also contains phytic acid which can inhibit the absorption of Fe. So that Fe derived from the food we eat cannot be absorbed by our bodies.

Tea contains caffeine which is higher than caffeinated coffee

Compared to coffee, tea contains caffeine which is higher so that at certain levels of drinking tea can cause our heart palpitations result from excessive caffeine reaction in the body.

Tag: green tea arthritis, benefits of green tea extract pills, chai green tea health benefits, study green tea, green tea research, green tea antioxidants benefits, green tea vitamin c, polyphenols in tea, green tea extract


Tips To Reduce Excessive Sweating (hyperhidrosis)

Do you easy to sweat even though the weather is not hot? Do you sweat easily despite not being physically active? If so, you must read this article.
Relax, you are not the only one experiencing this problem.  Sweating is actually healthy, because it is a human mechanism for maintaining body temperature in order not to soar. But if most, of course, would be very disturbing.

In the medical world, this condition is called hyperhidrosis. Most hyperhidrosis occurs on palms and feet, but not least also happens to armpits and other body parts. Hyperhidrosis usually appears just before puberty (about 13 years) and attacked the palms and feet.

If not cured, hyperhidrosis may last your lifetime and will cause discomfort. Imagine if your hands are slippery when driving, can certainly be fatal. Or you also imagine how embarrassed when shaking hands with someone else?

What causes hyperhidrosis?

Condition hyperhidrosis divided into two, namely primary and secondary. Primer usually occurs in early puberty, and the new secondary place as an adult. In the primary condition, in many cases of hyperhidrosis is caused by genetic hereditary factor neurological, metabolic or systemic conditions.

While in the secondary condition, hyperhidrosis can develop because of interference with the thyroid gland, diabetes and tumors, or due to consumption of certain drugs. Well, if you go into a secondary category, it helps you immediately see a doctor since you might suffer from disorders / diseases above (diabetes, etc.) without knowing it.

Finally, hyperhidrosis can also be triggered by other factors, such as psychological (anxiety, fear, etc...), the consumption of certain foods and drinks, nicotine, caffeine, or even because of odors.

Hyperhidrosis treatment

There are many ways to overcome a fairly potent hyperhidrosis, including:

- Using antiperspirants
All you need is antiperspirant containing aluminum chloride. Antiperspirants can easily find in any counter-counter treatments. Or if it's less, you are biased to the doctor asks antiperspirant with aluminum chloride content is higher.

- Iontophoresis
Iontophoresis is a tool that can stream low-power electrical currents through the skin with water medium. But you need to be vigilant, because for some people this treatment is quite painful.

- Oral Treatment
The drugs are already quite well known efficacy in treating hyperhidrosis is Ditropan, Robinul and Cogentin. Especially for people who feel it is the cause of hyperhidrosis anxiety factor, the consumption of anti-depressants can be useful.

- Botox
This is a way of rising. Even one of the country diva is supposedly doing to reduce hyperhidrosis. Botox is also very effective for excessive underarm sweating. A single treatment will liberate you from the Botox hyperhidrosis for six months. Very potent but it is very expensive too, of course.

- Operations
There are two kinds of operations that can be done. First, endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy by cutting or burning the nerves that send signals associated with the production of sweat. Second is by lifting sweat glands. Between these two operations, the second way is preferable because the effects are not too many side effects.

- Herbal
Finally, for those of you who are more interested in natural approaches, perhaps the use of sage (a type of herb) can be done. This thing can be consumed in capsules or tea regularly every day. This is the most expensive among others.

Actually there is another way that is much easier done to reduce the impact of hyperhidrosis. Medically, the most lightweight and safe to address the problem of excessive sweating is to make lifestyle modifications that include the selection of clothing. Not recommended for wearing tight clothing, made from nylon, polyester, or wool (except at cold temperatures), as well as hats. Apart from that, it could also use the powder and other products such as antiperspirant deodorant (for the body and armpits). For part of the face may be able to use baby powder (sprinkled evenly and thin). Bye bye sweat!


Benefits And The Substances Contained In Avocado

Avocado has a very high nutrient content. Avocados contain at least 11 vitamins and 14 minerals that are beneficial. Avocados are rich in protein, riboflavin (otherwise known as vitamin B2), niacin (otherwise known as vitamin B3), potassium (or better known as potash), and vitamin C.

Addition of avocado also contains a fairly high fat. But do not be afraid because the fat in avocados is similar to the fats in olive oil is very healthy. Fat contained in the avocado is unsaturated fats (LDL) which had a positive impact in the body. Fat in avocados is also used in making soap and cosmetics.

Here is an explanation of several substances in avocado that are beneficial to our bodies:

Vitamin E and vitamin A
Vitamin E is known as the vitamin that is useful for smoothing the skin. The mixture of vitamin E and vitamin A is very useful in skin care. The combination of vitamin E and vitamin A make skin supple, removes wrinkles, and makes skin look young and fresh.

Potassium (also known as potassium) present in avocados can reduce depression, preventing the deposition of fluid in the body and can lower blood pressure.

Unsaturated fats
Vegetable fat in avocados are high in unsaturated. Fats are useful for lowering blood cholesterol (LDL), which means it can prevent strokes, high blood pressure, cancer or heart disease. Unsaturated fat in avocados is also easy to digest the body so as to provide maximum results on the body. Unsaturated fat in avocados also contain anti-bacterial and anti fungal.

Oleic acid
Oleic acid is a powerful antioxidant that can capture free radicals in the body due to pollution. Free radicals in the body will cause a variety of health complaints.

Vitamin B6
This vitamin is believed to relieve pre-menstrual polyposis syndrome or premenstrual (PMS) that generally affects women every month.

Iron and Copper
This substance is required in the regeneration of the blood thus preventing anemia.

Minerals manganese and zinc
This element is useful to relieve high blood pressure, heart rate monitor and maintain nerve function remained intact.

So the conclusion from the benefit of avocado for health is:
  1. Source of Vitamin E and B
  2. Lowering blood cholesterol
  3. Helps reduce hypertension
  4. Good for healthy skin and hair
  5. Assist regeneration of red blood
  6. Prevents anemia
  7. Prevents constipation
  8. Prevent malnutrition
  9. Source of unsaturated fat content
  10. Good for healthy skin and hair
That is Benefits And The Substances Contained In Avocado..


Tips To Reduce Excessive Sweating (hyperhidrosis)

Tips To Reduce Excessive Sweating (hyperhidrosis) - Do you easy to sweat even though the weather is not hot? Do you sweat easily despite not being physically active? If so, you must read this article.
Relax, you are not the only one experiencing this problem.  Sweating is actually healthy, because it is a human mechanism for maintaining body temperature in order not to soar. But if most, of course, would be very disturbing.

In the medical world, this condition is called hyperhidrosis. Most hyperhidrosis occurs on palms and feet, but not least also happens to armpits and other body parts. Hyperhidrosis usually appears just before puberty (about 13 years) and attacked the palms and feet.

If not cured, hyperhidrosis may last your lifetime and will cause discomfort. Imagine if your hands are slippery when driving, can certainly be fatal. Or you also imagine how embarrassed when shaking hands with someone else?

What causes hyperhidrosis?

Condition hyperhidrosis divided into two, namely primary and secondary. Primer usually occurs in early puberty, and the new secondary place as an adult. In the primary condition, in many cases of hyperhidrosis is caused by genetic hereditary factor neurological, metabolic or systemic conditions.

While in the secondary condition, hyperhidrosis can develop because of interference with the thyroid gland, diabetes and tumors, or due to consumption of certain drugs. Well, if you go into a secondary category, it helps you immediately see a doctor since you might suffer from disorders / diseases above (diabetes, etc.) without knowing it.

Finally, hyperhidrosis can also be triggered by other factors, such as psychological (anxiety, fear, etc...), the consumption of certain foods and drinks, nicotine, caffeine, or even because of odors.

Hyperhidrosis treatment

There are many ways to overcome a fairly potent hyperhidrosis, including:

- Using antiperspirants.
All you need is antiperspirant containing aluminum chloride. Antiperspirants can easily find in any counter-counter treatments. Or if it's less, you are biased to the doctor asks antiperspirant with aluminum chloride content is higher.

- Iontophoresis
Iontophoresis is a tool that can stream low-power electrical currents through the skin with water medium. But you need to be vigilant, because for some people this treatment is quite painful.

- Oral Treatment
The drugs are already quite well known efficacy in treating hyperhidrosis is Ditropan, Robinul and Cogentin. Especially for people who feel it is the cause of hyperhidrosis anxiety factor, the consumption of anti-depressants can be useful.

- Botox
This is a way of rising. Even one of the country diva is supposedly doing to reduce hyperhidrosis. Botox is also very effective for excessive underarm sweating. A single treatment will liberate you from the Botox hyperhidrosis for six months. Very potent but it is very expensive too, of course.

- Operations
There are two kinds of operations that can be done. First, endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy by cutting or burning the nerves that send signals associated with the production of sweat. Second is by lifting sweat glands. Between these two operations, the second way is preferable because the effects are not too many side effects.

- Herbal
Finally, for those of you who are more interested in natural approaches, perhaps the use of sage (a type of herb) can be done. This thing can be consumed in capsules or tea regularly every day. This is the most expensive among others.

Actually there is another way that is much easier done to reduce the impact of hyperhidrosis. Medically, the most lightweight and safe to address the problem of excessive sweating is to make lifestyle modifications that include the selection of clothing. Not recommended for wearing tight clothing, made from nylon, polyester, or wool (except at cold temperatures), as well as hats. Apart from that, it could also use the powder and other products such as antiperspirant deodorant (for the body and armpits). For part of the face may be able to use baby powder (sprinkled evenly and thin). Bye bye sweat!


What Is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a spinning sensation that can occur at any time, even though our bodies are in a state of standing upright. The surroundings seem to be moving, both vertically and horizontally. Some people feel that they are actually spinning. Its effects can be mild or even severe that we can fall to the floor.

Vertigo is different to dizziness, an experience that we've probably felt the head feels light when it comes to standing. The vertigo can be more severe than that, for example, can make it hard to move because of spin that affect the balance of the body.

Symptoms of vertigo
Vertigo can occur suddenly and lasts for a while, but can also occur for several days. Those with severe vertigo may be unable to get out of bed and this will affect their daily activities. For that, the symptoms of vertigo can vary depending on the severity. Symptoms that can be felt among others:
  • The place you stand feels rotating or moving
  • Nausea
  • Throw up
  • Difficult to stand or walk
  • Sensation head feels light
  • Unable to focus views
Causes vertigo
Vertigo is often caused by a disturbance of balance in an area centered labyrinth or the cochlea in the ear. Possible causes of vertigo are:
  • Viral infections like common cold or influenza which attacked the labyrinth area
  • Bacterial infections of the middle ear
  • Arthritis in the neck area
  • Migraine attack
  • Reduced blood circulation can cause blood flow to the brain balance centers decreased
  • Drunken vehicle
  • Alcohol and certain drugs
Prevention of vertigo
The following steps can relieve or prevent symptoms of vertigo:
  • Sleep with your head a little high
  • Get up slowly and sit down first before we got up from bed
  • Avoid bending position when lifting
  • Avoid tilting the head position, for example, to retrieve an object from a height
  • Move your head carefully if we head in a flat position (horizontal) or when the neck in a position to look up.
Benign positional vertigo is a form of vertigo attacks in the short term but over and over again. Symptoms only in seconds but can be quite severe, often appears after we attacked by a virus infection or the presence of inflammation and damage in the area of the middle ear. Symptoms may arise if we move the head suddenly, for example when turning with a quick motion.

Generally cases are mild case of vertigo and not dangerous. However, if symptoms recur or persist, to be seen whether there are factors that cause it. If the symptoms are very disturbing our activities, be examined by a doctor to determine whether there is cause a serious and appropriate therapy to heal our vertigo.


A cup of Chocolate Can Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack

Based on historical experience, chocolate is known as a cure various diseases. Recent research suggests that cocoa may also have benefits for treating heart disease and stroke. A research team in Southampton, England, showed that consumption of a cup of cocoa can prevent blood clots.

If a blood clot in the brain or heart, it will be fatal. The cells in the blood called platelets are the cause of these clots, and the team showed that cocoa can resist platelet function.

Chocolate contains a substance called flavinoid are also found in red wine. Flavinoid can prevent coronary heart disease. However, their research has found other content in chocolate that may be useful for fighting platelets.

These findings can be used for the treatment of heart disease and stroke prevention. But it could also mean that a delicious cup of hot chocolate just important for people who have high-risk disease.

Another study in the Netherlands has shown that human blood type determines the risk of suffering Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). The study showed that blood type A, B, or AB have a high risk of DVT.

A blood type O with no content at high risk for carrying a variant of a protein called factor V Leiden, which affect the occurrence of clotting. Variants of this protein are found in approximately 3% of European descent.

This study shows that information on blood type may play a role in the regulation of DVT, especially to carry a variant of this protein. Thus, it is important for everyone to know their blood type.


Propolis, Other Benefits From Bees

Propolis has a name extension of bee propolis. "Bee" is a bee, "Pro" means before, and "Polis" means the city. Bee propolis means "before entering a beehive."

Propolis is derived from the sap of plants and bee saliva. Propolis is a brown adhesive resin that bees use to:
  • Patching a leaking nest (nest strengthens), and protect the nest from outside interference.
  • Sterilize hives, stop the growth and development of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Propolis contains iron, vitamin B complex, pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, amino acids, minerals, and a variety of bioflavonoids.
Propolis also serves to provide protection for the body. Propolis can activate the thymus gland that functions as the body's immune system, inhibit the infection of viruses, fungi and other parasites into the body. In other words, propolis works to build the body's natural defenses.

Propolis also acts as antiseptic, antibiotic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and useful as detoxification. In addition, scientific studies prove propolis effective against bacterial pathogens such as Staphylococcus sp. (Cause of urinary tract infections), Clostridium sp. (Cause of indigestion), Corynebacterium diphtheriae (the cause of diphtheria), Streptococcus sp. (Cause of throat and sinus infections), Klebsiella pneumoniae (causes pneumonia and bronchitis), and Pseudomonas sp. (Cause of infection in the wound).

With the ability to heal wounds, propolis also may help cure health problems caused by infection with microorganisms on the respiratory system, such as wet lung inflammation, pneumonia, asthma, sinusitis, and tuberculosis.

Propolis can also be used to wash the mouth. Propolis can stop the growth of bacteria in the mouth cause tooth decay and gingivitis. Propolis also contains antioxidants in the form of flavonoids quercetin, kaempferol, epigenin, and luteolin. According to research, contents from one drop of propolis flavonoids on flavonoid generated equivalent of 500 oranges.

Propolis has anti-cancer properties, and inhibits viral replication of HIV. Propolis is available in the market in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquids. The use of propolis as a food supplement is one or two tablets / capsules per day. 1 tablet / capsule equal with 250 mg propolis.


Tips To Overcoming Vomiting in Early Pregnancy

Vomiting in early pregnancy is often experienced by most pregnant women. Do not worry, because this sort of thing fairly experienced trimester pregnant women in early pregnancy.

Some tips that can help you to overcome the nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy:
  • Eat in small amounts but often. Eat with a portion of a lot will make you get sick.
  • Eat foods that contain lots of carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, and biscuits) and protein. Besides that, you also have to eat vegetables and fruits.
  • Do not rush when you wake up . Sit down first, and then slowly get up. If you often feel nauseated when you wake up in the morning, prepare snacks near your bed. Eat first before you try to stand.
  • Avoid fatty foods, oily and spicy that it will increase your nausea.
  • Consumption of enough water, avoid beverages containing caffeine and carbonates.
  • Consumption of vitamin B6 reduces effective for nausea in pregnant women. However, you should consult your physician for its use.
  • It could be with a traditional way of treatment. The trick is with eating ginger or ginger candy.
  • You should lots of rest and relaxation. Stress will only aggravate your nausea.


What is Laser Hair Removal ?

What is Laser Hair Removal ? - Laser hair removal is designed to permanently remove the hair or hair on your body of unwanted by using light energy using laser technology. Hair or unwanted hair become common problem among men and women. Shaving, rubbing wax, and pull out only gives temporary results and in general can only be done in small areas.

Hair care and hair removal by laser can be used to permanently treat and remove unwanted hair in small and large areas on your body. The best results were obtained in those with bright or light skin and dark hair, cleaning or removal of hair works better on coarse hair rather than fine hair.

What services are included in the laser hair removal?
Areas that would be removed the feathers be shaved and cleaned first, then kream diusapkan surface anaesthetic. Then produce or emit laser-beam of concentrated light beam which is then absorbed by the high pigment deep inside the hair follicles, damaging the surrounding follicle.

This procedure may not be too comfortable, but not painless. The duration of laser session can be several minutes to an hour or swelling, but usually disappear within a short time. And most people return to their normal activities as usual.

Are there any risks associated with using a laser hair removal?
Removal of hair by laser is a safe procedure when performed by experienced people. Possible complications include:
- The treated skin becomes dark  or brigher
- The treated skin burns or blisters
Because dark skin more susceptible to changes in pigment, drying the body in the sun until the skin turned brown before done with the method of laser hair removal should be avoided.

How many treatments will I need?
Most treatments require 4-6 sessions for permanent hair removal in one area. This procedure can be done several times in one month intervals.

How much for laser hair removal?
contact the clinic closest laser hair removal in your city.

Now you know anything about Laser hair Removal.


Depression During Pregnancy Is Very Affect The Development Of Fetus

Pregnancy should be a time-the happiest moment for a mother. But sometimes as a prospective mother (especially since the first time to face the pregnancy) there must be a sense of worry that excessive in relation to the approach of the birth process. Approximately 10-20% of women trying to fight symptoms of depression and a quarter to half exposed to severe depression. In a study of 360 pregnant women, then 10% of them are depressed during pregnancy and only 6.8% who experience depression after pregnancy.

Depression is a mood disorder that appears in 1 in 4 women who are pregnant and this is not something special. The disease is always plagued those who are pregnant, but often they are never aware of this depression because they think this event is a normal occur in pregnant women, but if not handled properly can affect the baby mother.

What causes the emergence of depression?

Depression during pregnancy is the same mood disorders like depression that occurred in the laity in general, where the incidence of depression will be changes in brain chemistry.

Depression can also be due to changes in hormones that affect mood affects my mother so that she felt upset, bored or sad. In addition, sleep disturbances that often occur before the birth process also affects the mother because of fatigue and facial skin becomes dull.

In addition, the fears of content, frequent vomiting in early first trimester, and other problems can also causes Mother have a depression. My mother would constantly worry about her baby and this situation will make you feel depressed.

Mothers who are depressed will experience the following symptoms for about 2 weeks, such as:
  •     The existence of feelings of sadness
  •     Difficulty in concentrating
  •     Sleeping too long or a little
  •     Loss of interest in usual activities favored
  •     Desperate, anxious
  •     Arise feelings of worthlessness and guilt
  •     There is a change in eating habits
What are the implications?

According to the results of studies in the USA, Women who experience depression during early pregnancy are more likely to face birth before his time.

Depression is not treated as early as possible, will have adverse effects for mother and baby. There are 2 important things that might affect the baby in the womb, namely:

  •     Interference with the fetus is still in the womb
  •     The emergence of mental health disorders in children later

According to Tiffani Field, Ph. D from the University of Miami Medical School, based on research he had done for 20 years, he found children born to mothers who are severely depressed during pregnancy will have higher levels of stress hormones, brain activity that is sensitive to depression, showed little expression, and experiencing symptoms of depression, such as eating and sleeping difficult.

Dangerous when symptoms of depression in the newborn are not immediately addressed, children develop into children who are not happy. They are hard to learn to walk, body weight are less, and not responsive to other people. If this condition is still not overcome, the child will grow into a toddler who is depressed. When their son starts to school experience, they have behavioral problems, such as aggressive and easily stressed.

How to handle this?
Mothers who are depressed should get professional help. Because now they are the most appropriate place to consult, they will be providing the best solution for both mother and fetus in the womb.

There are several ways of doing therapy and consultation with your obstetrician as to the method of support group or psychotherapy that can be carried out routinely and periodically or with drugs â € "drugs. If symptoms of depression that indicated very heavy then your obstetrician will probably prescribe some medicine to cope and certainly safe for those who are pregnant. If for any reason the mother did not feel comfortable to discuss with your doctor or therapist can then talk to his closest friends to exchange opinions.

In addition, it should be realized that the people who are very able to talk to understand what the mother is pregnant feel. Do not have to fight this depression alone, because at these moments the pregnant women in desperate need of someone to share to overcome the depression that is felt.

Importantly, this recovery effort should be made in the mother and baby. Do not just infants who were treated, while the mother is left increasingly to decline into depression or vice versa. Mother and baby must work together to overcome depression. My father also must play an active role in helping the healing of the people closest to this.

The role of father to mother who was pregnant and after delivery is very big. Pregnant women should receive maximum support from their husbands. Support the husband is shown in various ways such as giving peace of the wife helped in part the work wife or even just gives a light massage if wife feel sore. It is expected that the total support of husband, wife can get through the pregnancy with feelings of pleasure and away from depression.


Fish Oil Makes Your Child'S Brain More Intelligent

Fish oil supplementation is more beneficial to your children, make your child's brain more optimal and smart

Studies conducted in London is led by Amanda Kirby from the University of Wales and involved 184 participants who came from middle-class school children aged 15 to 16.

They were asked to swallow capsules of fish oil for 12 weeks during the critical period before the holding of examinations.

After taking supplements containing omega three, the results showed an increase over the previous year graduation percentage from 27 percent to 34 percent. And it exceeded the predicted results that can be done by one class.

Chief Executive of the Fish Foundation, Ray Rice said that the omega-3 fatty acids is the cornerstone of the brain and is necessary for brain development in children.

"The body does not produce omega-3 fatty acids, so parents need to pay attention to this need for their children," he added.

However, Ms Rice warned that the election should be tailored to the needs of supplements. Supplements that are formulated for children will be different from supplements that are formulated specifically for adolescents.

Children usually have a more diverse flavor to make it easier to consume fish oil remember that it's not too bad.

Previously, research at the Paterson Institute, Manchester also has mentioned that omega 3 can be found in salmon and may prevent prostate cancer.


Tips To Overcoming Vomiting in Early Pregnancy

Tips To Overcoming Vomiting in Early Pregnancy - Vomiting in early pregnancy is often experienced by most pregnant women. Do not worry, because this sort of thing fairly experienced trimester pregnant women in early pregnancy.

Some tips that can help you to overcome the nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy:
  • Eat in small amounts but often. Eat with a portion of a lot will make you get sick.
  • Eat foods that contain lots of carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, and biscuits) and protein. Besides that, you also have to eat vegetables and fruits.
  • Do not rush when you wake up . Sit down first, and then slowly get up. If you often feel nauseated when you wake up in the morning, prepare snacks near your bed. Eat first before you try to stand.
  • Avoid fatty foods, oily and spicy that it will increase your nausea.
  • Consumption of enough water, avoid beverages containing caffeine and carbonates.
  • Consumption of vitamin B6 reduces effective for nausea in pregnant women. However, you should consult your physician for its use.
  • It could be with a traditional way of treatment. The trick is with eating ginger or ginger candy.
  • You should lots of rest and relaxation. Stress will only aggravate your nausea.


Propolis, Other Benefits From Bees

Propolis, Other Benefits From Bees - Propolis has a name extension of bee propolis. "Bee" is a bee, "Pro" means before, and "Polis" means the city. Bee propolis means "before entering a beehive."
Propolis is derived from the sap of plants and bee saliva. Propolis is a brown adhesive resin that bees use to:
  • Patching a leaking nest (nest strengthens), and protect the nest from outside interference.
  • Sterilize hives, stop the growth and development of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Propolis contains iron, vitamin B complex, pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, amino acids, minerals, and a variety of bioflavonoids.
Propolis also serves to provide protection for the body. Propolis can activate the thymus gland that functions as the body's immune system, inhibit the infection of viruses, fungi and other parasites into the body. In other words, propolis works to build the body's natural defenses.

Propolis also acts as antiseptic, antibiotic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and useful as detoxification. In addition, scientific studies prove propolis effective against bacterial pathogens such as Staphylococcus sp. (Cause of urinary tract infections), Clostridium sp. (Cause of indigestion), Corynebacterium diphtheriae (the cause of diphtheria), Streptococcus sp. (Cause of throat and sinus infections), Klebsiella pneumoniae (causes pneumonia and bronchitis), and Pseudomonas sp. (Cause of infection in the wound).

With the ability to heal wounds, propolis also may help cure health problems caused by infection with microorganisms on the respiratory system, such as wet lung inflammation, pneumonia, asthma, sinusitis, and tuberculosis.

Propolis can also be used to wash the mouth. Propolis can stop the growth of bacteria in the mouth cause tooth decay and gingivitis. Propolis also contains antioxidants in the form of flavonoids quercetin, kaempferol, epigenin, and luteolin. According to research, contents from one drop of propolis flavonoids on flavonoid generated equivalent of 500 oranges.

Propolis has anti-cancer properties, and inhibits viral replication of HIV. Propolis is available in the market in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquids. The use of propolis as a food supplement is one or two tablets / capsules per day. 1 tablet / capsule equal with 250 mg propolis.


Want To Know Secrets of Ageless?

Want to know secrets of Ageless? The answer is, eat tomatoes. Often people do not like to eat tomatoes. Usually, they are always separate the tomatoes in foods. In fact, in addition to tomatoes contain vitamin c which helps get rid of free radicals in the body, according to some experts, tomatoes are also potent combat premature aging.

Some British researchers have found that adding the tomatoes are cooked into the food every day increases the skin's ability to protect itself from harmful ultra violet rays.

Researchers at the University of Manchester and University of Newcastle found that adding five tablespoons of tomato paste to the daily diet of 10 volunteers can help avoid skin damage by providing protection against the effects of ultra violet rays. The damage caused is premature aging and skin cancer.

In one study, researchers gave 10 volunteers a total of 55 grams of standard tomato paste which contains high levels of cooked tomatoes and 10 grams of olive oil every day, while another 10 participants are given only olive oil.

After three months, skin samples from the tomato group showed they had given 33% extra protection from sunburn, similar to factor very little protection from the sun cream, and procollagen levels are much higher. Procollagen in the molecule which gives skin its structure and keeping it supple.

The study suggested the antioxidant lycopene, found in its highest concentration when the tomatoes have been cooked, was behind the apparent benefits.

But there are warnings that the tomato must be considered as a useful adjunct and not as an option for protection from the sun cream.

Researchers said the study was smaller and shorter, and they are now considering doing new research on the benefits of lycopene for the skin.

In addition, based on research conducted by the Rowett Research Institute in Scotland, found that liquids or slippery yellow jelly around tomato seeds found containing compounds or compounds that are effective against stroke and heart disease. When you drink tomato juice without discarding the seeds, then you have reduced the risk of blood clots around 72%, so you can avoid heart disease.


Tips And Beauty Secrets Of Women From 5 Countries

Desire to have a beautiful face and smooth skin is the desire of every woman in the world. Here is the secret beauty of women from 5 countries. These are tips that make the women of this country feel like revered as a goddess.

Beauty recipe facial recipe is derived from their ancestors. Could be a myth, but it could be real indeed. Ok Let's discuss each one of these 5 women secrets:

Japanese Women
Although this country, including advanced, but even before most Japanese women prefer to use the tips of bird droppings Uguisu no Fun to make their skin clean. Even unmitigated filth directly used as masks.

Now they still use it for beauty tips dirt, but mixed with soap first and applied to the face and skin.

Greek Women
A country known for various myths. That’s includes the secret of mythology about female beauty. They used oranges to refresh the skin. Quintessence of citrus can also kill bacteria that cause acne.

If you want to try these tips on beauty and facial skin: wash face with warm water and then mixed with essential oils of orange. Or can also use a mask with added orange juice

England Women
Often drink tea? There are beauty tips related facial with this drink. In England dregs of tea are believed to eliminate dark circles, especially in the eyes. Even these women have tips that keep the pulp it in the fridge, so it can be used at any time to maintain the beauty of their faces.

Russian Women
The women there used to use coffee to rub into their skin. Securities acquired beauty is the loss of body odor and skin tones are bright and shine. Additional tips: They do it when sauna so that removal of dead skin cells running optimally.

Now, these tips are very popular in the world. If you women who frequent beauty care facial scrubs would know Potions. Well scrub of coffee comes from this country.

Egyptian Women
It turned out that Queen Cleopatra was not leaving her love story, but also left the beauty secret for women. Cleopatra is said that he likes to use the use of milk and honey for the beauty of her face. He is also often a bathroom with bath with sea salt and Dead Sea mud.

Queen of Egypt is believed that the materials that can give a clean and smooth skin and a beautiful face and shining. He also believes that the beauty tips that do also the secret of youth.


Taking care Your Inner Beauty

Generally, the women made great efforts to be beautiful and attractive look. Starting from the traditional way until the most modern and sophisticated technology. Actually the business is not wrong, but should realize that being beautiful is not enough from the outside only, but there must be care from the inside.

Anyway beauty is not limited to physical polishing of the skin from the outside only. Taking care of themselves, of course, also is from the inside. Believe me, the care you do from within your beauty will radiate much more natural. And the trick is? Try to peep by subsurface.

1. To Strengthen Nutrition in skin, hair and nail you should eat nutritious foods such as proteins, vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E and folic acid, calcium, iron and zinc. As pretty much anything would look better if beauty comes from within us the vitality and health.

2. Sports, not just for men! Eat healthy foods like fresh fruit about an hour before exercise. This will keep you energetic during exercise. Exercise itself will help burn excess calories and lose weight.

3. Fat-friendly Food. Eating healthy fats to get glowing skin and a strong immune system. Special healthy type of fat found in foods such as fish, nuts, avocados and olive oil. These fats are essential for healthy skin and nerve fibers to enhance immunity and prevent inflammation.

4. Eat Vegetables and fruit. Free radical that causes damage to cells and tissues and can lead to certain diseases such as cancer, allegedly as a major cause of aging. Antioxidants including vitamin A, C and E are contained in fruits and vegetables can help prevent cell damage.

5. Drink a lot of water. Most of our body contains a liquid. Every day one liters of fluid come out from our body. Drink as much as 8 glasses per day and during exercise, drink 1-2 cups every 15 minutes. Water will help dissolve and carry nutrients that easily dissolve in water, regulate body temperature and remove materials that are not needed. Sufficient supply of fluids also keeps skin healthy and smooth.


Weight Loss Tips

It was first thought of when we want to lose weight is to reduce the intake of food into the body. This is true but not the best way to lose weight. In fact, reduces food intake into the body can be dangerous to one's health. So, exactly how to lose weight that is safe for the body and our health?

Here are some things to watch when we go through weight loss diet, so you enjoy your cans diet programs and get the benefits:
1. Beware of Low-Calorie Diet

Most people think that reducing calories can help reduce excess fat in the body. This is due to the many food and beverage advertisements that promote foods low in calories. That sounds good, but really not the case. To burn fat, the body needs more energy. If the body lacks energy, fat burning food in the body was not optimal.

2. Eating Right

A healthy variety of foods must be considered when we are on a diet, not just enter a minimum calories into the body. This includes reducing the greasy foods, fried. As an alternative, you can choose the type of food steamed or baked. It should be noted, too, eat more fiber foods lead to better for your body.

3. Increase Muscle Mass in the Body

Muscles burn calories when they work, they even do it during recess. Unlike fats which just lie around, bulge around the pants and dangle beneath the arm, muscles burn calories all day round. With these facts, one can start weight loss by increasing muscle mass. More muscles, less fat will be left. This is achieved starting with working with resistance exercise.

4. Doing Aerobic and Sports

Aerobics are not only good for the heart in improving cardiovascular endurance, but also helps increase muscle mass while reducing excess body fat. In addition, aerobics make the metabolic process more efficient. Imagine that you can burn fat efficiently while driving along the freeway or even while watching television.

5. Avoiding Smoking and Caffeine

Some people believe that smoking and caffeine can actually help in losing weight. This may be true, but they harm the body because of side effects from smoking and caffeine.

6. Wary of Diet Pills Side Effects

Today we can find a variety of diet pills that promise we can lose weight in a relatively short time. However, one must be aware of the side effects of diet pills. More wise if you consult with your doctor before trying a diet pill subscription and also to know what types would be best for the individual.

The point is losing weight is not synonymous with sacrifice and suffering. This means opening up towards a healthier life, and where people can think positively about her body. Enjoy your diet program!

Tags: best weight loss program, top weight loss program, programs for weight loss, weight management programs, weight loss surgery


Benefits Of Oranges For Your Beauty

Here are some benefits of oranges for you other than to eat:

1. Bath
Refreshing citrus scent that makes your spirit arises. This is very useful in the morning when you feel weak and discouraged. Go take a shower using soap and shower gel scented orange. The smell of lime, or lime, for example, is very good for the spirit.
Conversely, if you feel tired after a full day's activity, citrus fragrance to help soothe and comfort your body. Try soaking with a water bath which drops lemon essential oil. Bath and inhale the soothing aroma.

2. Aroma Therapy
You feel lethargic due to the hot air? Calm your mind and try to do breathing exercises as he closed his eyes and the aroma of essential inhaling mixture of three drops of orange oil and two drops of citrus oil. Combine this oil with a little water and heat. Steam that was created will refresh and make cozy feelings.

3. Natural Highlights
Want to get highlighted hair naturally? Brushes some hair with lemon juice, and then bask under the sun. Strands of hair that was spiked with lemon juice will gradually change color to be younger so that it looks like highlights. Do not do this if your hair is quite dry or brittle.

4. Scalp cooling
On a very hot day tries the following ways to cool your head. Make a mixture of hair tonic with lime or lemon juice. Store in refrigerator until cool, then use the on-massage head and massage with circular movements. In addition to soothing the scalp, it also helps you to control dandruff.

5. Leg Problems
Pieces of citrus, especially lemon and lime, can help you overcome the problem of swollen feet, mainly because it was too tired. Clean and wipe the feet clean, and soak in warm water that poured oil Citrus and Lemon oil. You can also put the pieces of fresh lemon in the water bath, or compresses the leg with a piece of fruit.

6. Smooth Skin
You feel disturbed by the rough skin hardens and the color black? Lemon or lime can help overcome this problem. Brush the crust with a pumice stone or scrub. Then, rub lemon on the hardened part. Afterward use a moisturizer. Do this with a regular gal to get satisfactory results.

Now, you already know the benefits of orange for beauty, good luck!


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