Want To Know Secrets of Ageless?

Want to know secrets of Ageless? The answer is, eat tomatoes. Often people do not like to eat tomatoes. Usually, they are always separate the tomatoes in foods. In fact, in addition to tomatoes contain vitamin c which helps get rid of free radicals in the body, according to some experts, tomatoes are also potent combat premature aging.

Some British researchers have found that adding the tomatoes are cooked into the food every day increases the skin's ability to protect itself from harmful ultra violet rays.

Researchers at the University of Manchester and University of Newcastle found that adding five tablespoons of tomato paste to the daily diet of 10 volunteers can help avoid skin damage by providing protection against the effects of ultra violet rays. The damage caused is premature aging and skin cancer.

In one study, researchers gave 10 volunteers a total of 55 grams of standard tomato paste which contains high levels of cooked tomatoes and 10 grams of olive oil every day, while another 10 participants are given only olive oil.

After three months, skin samples from the tomato group showed they had given 33% extra protection from sunburn, similar to factor very little protection from the sun cream, and procollagen levels are much higher. Procollagen in the molecule which gives skin its structure and keeping it supple.

The study suggested the antioxidant lycopene, found in its highest concentration when the tomatoes have been cooked, was behind the apparent benefits.

But there are warnings that the tomato must be considered as a useful adjunct and not as an option for protection from the sun cream.

Researchers said the study was smaller and shorter, and they are now considering doing new research on the benefits of lycopene for the skin.

In addition, based on research conducted by the Rowett Research Institute in Scotland, found that liquids or slippery yellow jelly around tomato seeds found containing compounds or compounds that are effective against stroke and heart disease. When you drink tomato juice without discarding the seeds, then you have reduced the risk of blood clots around 72%, so you can avoid heart disease.


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