Tips To Overcoming Vomiting in Early Pregnancy

Vomiting in early pregnancy is often experienced by most pregnant women. Do not worry, because this sort of thing fairly experienced trimester pregnant women in early pregnancy.

Some tips that can help you to overcome the nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy:
  • Eat in small amounts but often. Eat with a portion of a lot will make you get sick.
  • Eat foods that contain lots of carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, and biscuits) and protein. Besides that, you also have to eat vegetables and fruits.
  • Do not rush when you wake up . Sit down first, and then slowly get up. If you often feel nauseated when you wake up in the morning, prepare snacks near your bed. Eat first before you try to stand.
  • Avoid fatty foods, oily and spicy that it will increase your nausea.
  • Consumption of enough water, avoid beverages containing caffeine and carbonates.
  • Consumption of vitamin B6 reduces effective for nausea in pregnant women. However, you should consult your physician for its use.
  • It could be with a traditional way of treatment. The trick is with eating ginger or ginger candy.
  • You should lots of rest and relaxation. Stress will only aggravate your nausea.


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