Benefits Of Oranges For Your Beauty

Benefits Of Oranges For Your Beauty - Here are some benefits of oranges for you other than to eat:

1. Bath
Refreshing citrus scent that makes your spirit arises. This is very useful in the morning when you feel weak and discouraged. Go take a shower using soap and shower gel scented orange. The smell of lime, or lime, for example, is very good for the spirit.
Conversely, if you feel tired after a full day's activity, citrus fragrance to help soothe and comfort your body. Try soaking with a water bath which drops lemon essential oil. Bath and inhale the soothing aroma.

2. Aroma Therapy
You feel lethargic due to the hot air? Calm your mind and try to do breathing exercises as he closed his eyes and the aroma of essential inhaling mixture of three drops of orange oil and two drops of citrus oil. Combine this oil with a little water and heat. Steam that was created will refresh and make cozy feelings.

3. Natural Highlights
Want to get highlighted hair naturally? Brushes some hair with lemon juice, and then bask under the sun. Strands of hair that was spiked with lemon juice will gradually change color to be younger so that it looks like highlights. Do not do this if your hair is quite dry or brittle.

4. Scalp cooling
On a very hot day tries the following ways to cool your head. Make a mixture of hair tonic with lime or lemon juice. Store in refrigerator until cool, then use the on-massage head and massage with circular movements. In addition to soothing the scalp, it also helps you to control dandruff.

5. Leg Problems
Pieces of citrus, especially lemon and lime, can help you overcome the problem of swollen feet, mainly because it was too tired. Clean and wipe the feet clean, and soak in warm water that poured oil Citrus and Lemon oil. You can also put the pieces of fresh lemon in the water bath, or compresses the leg with a piece of fruit.

6. Smooth Skin
You feel disturbed by the rough skin hardens and the color black? Lemon or lime can help overcome this problem. Brush the crust with a pumice stone or scrub. Then, rub lemon on the hardened part. Afterward use a moisturizer. Do this with a regular gal to get satisfactory results.

Now, you already know the benefits of orange for beauty, good luck!


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