4 Common Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Lack of vitamin D is said to affect more than 80 percent of the U.S. population in some form or another. Once you know a number of causes of vitamin D, you'll realize why. The purpose of this editorial is to educate so you know what to consider if you or someone you know should suffer from this.

The most common causes in most people affected usually are the plain and simple, get vitamin D in their daily lives, whether in the form of food supplements o. Do not sun exposure is another. And more often than you might think, sometimes the kidneys can not convert vitamin D into the active form that our body needs.

  • No exposure to the sun: I know there are those who rant and rave about avoiding the sun and what you can do your skin. However, avoid doing it or not is another cause. Vitamin D3 is created by the skin when exposed to ultraviolet rays of the sun.

  • Vitamin D-deficient diet: When it comes to our daily basic diet is damn impossible to get the recommended daily allowance which is sought and which is the main cause of vitamin D. The only foods that tend to consume has a significant amount are beef liver, fish oil, which is wild and fat, and egg yolks. Not exactly everyday staples in the art of everyday food of most people.

  • Kidney Aging: A well-functioning kidneys are needed to convert vitamin D into the active form of the body. And no matter what form of vitamin D is received, either as a supplement in the form of diet, or sunlight. But as they age the kidneys are less able to fulfill this task, so this causes a deficiency of vitamin D.

  • The lack of supplements: This is definitely on the list of causes. Since a sufficient amount of vitamin D are so hard to get in our diets each day, and people who are wary of overexposure to the sun, the importance of supplements in combating this deficiency is greatly magnified.

There are a lot of vitamin D and D3 supplements to choose to fight the causes of vitamin D. It may take a little experimentation to find the reason, but when you think about the importance of getting vitamin D, which is well worth it.

Now the amount of exposure needed and what the impact will vary by individual. Factors might include skin color, body fat percentage, time of year. Thus, while excessive exposure to sun is a beautiful thing, an amount that is needed and not have to constitute the causes of vitamin D. Therefore, a person basically has to find and achieve a healthy balance.


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