Definition of Health

In the context of health promotion, health has been thought about less as an abstract state, but as a way to an finish that can be expressed in functional terms as a resource that allows people to an individual life, social and economically productive.

Health is defined in WHO's Constitution of 1948 as: A state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

According to the idea of health as a essential human right, the Ottawa Charter highlights positive stipulations for health include peace, adequate economic resources, food and housing, as well as a stable ecosystem and sustainable use of resources. Recognition of these stipulations highlights the inextricable links between social and economic conditions, physical surroundings, individual lifestyle and health. These links provide the key to a holistic understanding of health is essential to the definition of health promotion.

Health is a resource for every day life, not the object of life. This is a positive idea emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capabilities.

Today the spiritual dimension of health is increasingly recognized. Health is thought about by WHO as a essential human right and therefore everyone ought to have access to basic health resources.

A comprehensive understanding of health implies that all systems and structures which govern social and economic conditions and the physical surroundings ought to take in to consideration the consequences of their activities in relation to their impact on individual and collective health and wellbeing.


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