Secrets Of Meditation

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Secrets Of Meditation - No will ever accomplish the surrender or non reactive state by listening to any enlightened person speaking about this way of being. This state or energy level can only ever be achieved by taking the exact same steps that the enlightened person needed to take! This article provides detailed information on how to navigate your way safely in meditation practice.

First they will start with an explanation of how to meditate. In the early stages a strict protocol needs to be maintained in order to accomplish the best results. This method begins with Anapana, which is to sit still with backbone erect & unsupported with the focus of your awareness on your inhaling the area of the triangle of your nose with the upper lip. This practice will sharpen, discipline & increase the sensitivity of the mind. A standard meditation period has hour period. Make no mistake soul energy flow is increasing with this exercise.

Always keep in mind that meditation is a method of increasing energy in the body, which will lead to inevitable consequences. The method of purification causes impurities or poisons to be released & eliminated, which frequently have disagreeable or uncomfortable side effects. This is so in the beginning stages of meditation. The single most common kind of side effect would be headache. This is because of the increased energy flow through channels, which are not yet wide to facilitate that flow. The wide selection of signs can be in any combination. This is from headache or migraine, skin rashes, burping, coughing, sneezing, crying, nasal discharge, nausea, spinal pains & even diarrhea.

After a positive point is reached in Anapana practice then you will be prepared to practice Insight meditation, which is a body scan of the whole body along with your awareness. The requirement for readiness to commence Insight meditation is to be able to hold your concentration for at least minutes without any distracting thoughts & to be able to feel the subtle or auric sensations over the triangle area. Practice meditation as often as your circumstances permit but do not be in a rush along with your meditation stage of progression. It is a long journey, which needs to be taken firm foundation step at a time.

Do not be deterred in any way from your practice of meditation by the mirage of any side effect or combination of side effects. see it as an simple stage to be passed through, which it is. One time passed through you will experience stronger more pleasant meditation ability. The early stages of meditation can be painful but this is over made up by the enjoyment of deeper meditation. Everytime you experience a side effect you ought to be happy with true inner joy because you know that you are definitely meditating correctly.

Every serious student of meditation would be wise to have an correct idea for the purpose and function of meditation practice. There's only paths in life. The first path or ego approach is to run around chasing the illusion enjoying the glamor of sensation. This naturally leads to the energy state of reduced soul energy flow with a contracted crooked spinal alignment of the body with reduced function. The second path or soul approach is to sit still in order to escape the illusion.

By comparison in meditation you practice detached observation of sensation with no particular attachment. This naturally leads to the energy state of increased soul energy flow with an expanded straightened spinal alignment of the body with improved function. Increased soul energy flow progressively removes the sediments of crystallization or resistance. Meditation is a progression from rigidity in to flexibility on all levels of your being mental, emotional and physical.

Your focus for meditation ability needs to be on doing continuous courses until the stage of continuous meditation ability has been achieved. To become aware of the soul energy flow & hold your awareness within it ends in continuous meditation with continuous dissolving of crystallization. Only at night when you sleep does your body rest to remove the stirred up impurities & further soften the linings of the energy channels in order for meditation the next day to expand the channels even further.

Whenever you meditate your soul energy flow increases or speeds up & everytime you cease meditating your soul energy flow slows down. This explains why any progress you have successfully made in the work of meditation practice is basically reversible in the work of those periods of meditation abstinence.

1 ten day meditation work correctly practiced will enable you to make a significant improvement in your meditation stage of progression or ability. Then after your work to practice meditation hour in the morning & hour in the evening every day will enable you to maintain your stage of meditation progression but will lead to very little overall improvement or progression. This explains why it is better to do a0 day work every month for months than to do a one 10 day work every year for years!!!!

No practicing meditation at the level of a one 10 day work every year with hours each day only will ever accomplish enlightenment. Only meditators with continuous meditation ability will ever have any chance to accomplish enlightenment.

With continuous meditation you are achieving only progression in meditation practice with no reversal of results due to soul energy flow slowing down!!!! When this point is reached you no longer need the preliminary strict protocol any longer because you now have the ability to meditate in all conditions. You have now begun the dual life of the outer every day life & the inner meditative life all simultaneously.

In the work of meditation sometimes you will experience a technique called Bunga, which is a bigger than usual inflow of soul energy flow coming down from your Over-Soul. Bunga is identical to the enlightenment experience with little difference. The difference is the degree of resistance in your body. With Bunga the resistance pulls up the inflow of energy short & with enlightenment it is a complete experience because the resistance has been historicallyin the past removed.


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