Some Easy Ways How To Get Whiter Teeth

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Some Easy Ways How To Get Whiter Teeth - Teeth get naturally darker with age as the enamel becomes less porous and the chemical structure of the tooth changes. People are often not happy with this change and require a whiter smirk.

There is a reason why people require whiter teeth. First they are used to seeing film and TV stars with their pearly whites on show every hour of every day. Secondly whiter teeth look cleaner and could make you more pretty to the opposite sex.

There's lots of reasons that people require whiter teeth but whatever your reasons are, below are seven ways to make your teeth whiter.

1. Dental Surgical procedure. Dental surgeries offer a few different options when it comes to whitening. Bleaching and laser whitening are the most popular but laser whitening is becoming the most prominent due to the shortage of chemicals and the ease of use. Bleaching is however still common in plenty of dental practices and could be a less pricey option.

2. Teeth whitening kit. Over the counter kits are available from pharmacies and usually consist of a bleaching agent and a gum shield. A number of them are effective but others have been shown to have no effect whatsoever.

3. An Electric toothbrush. Something as simple as changing your toothbrush can make a giant difference to your teeth. An electric toothbrush pulsates and rotates on your teeth and basically brushes much better than you ever could by hand. It is hard to imagine but you will notice the difference in your teeth.

4. Banana peel. Strangely some fruit can be used to tidy your teeth. Banana peel has been shown to contain an agent that will remove stains and marks from your teeth.

5. Whitening toothpaste. Positive brands of toothpaste contain an abrasive agent that grinds a minute layer off the top of your teeth. These can be effective but can also destroy your teeth in case you are not cautious.

6. Bi-carbonate of soda is already contained in some toothpastes and acts as a lovely cleaning agent. Its abrasive power works much the same way as it does in whitening toothpastes.

7. Strawberries. Contrary to what your intuition tells you, strawberries contain chemicals that will bleach your teeth and remove stains and dark patches.

Hopefully of the above methods has given you what you require. Dental surgical procedure is the quickest route to whiter teeth but by far the simplest technique is a lovely toothbrush and lovely quality toothpaste.


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