Why Healthy Diet is hard to Succeed?

Various ways healthy diet you may have heard and done but the results are not significant. This is because there are several factors that do not you do when you run programs or tips on a healthy diet. How a healthy diet there are some good kinds of exercises that involve weighing up a unique way of using hypnosis.

How a healthy diet must be followed by a strong will. Many have tried a healthy diet for a while but did not get the maximum results. In fact, in some cases, a healthy diet that is not done with discipline even enhances weight loss doubled from the original. This certainly would be hurt due to lower it again becomes more difficult.

How a healthy diet can be done by reducing the large amounts of carbohydrates. However, the diet with carbohidrat diet system is very difficult because of hunger generally make people give up easily. However, the actual way of a healthy diet does not need to avoid carbohydrates altogether.

With a sufficient portion, carbohidrat will be able to help you lose weight. How healthy diet will not only give you a good effect to lose weight but also to the health condition in general. How a healthy diet should also be balanced with regular exercise to help improve the body's metabolism and increase the body's ability to burn fat.

How a healthy diet is actually not difficult to do. You only have to change the diet and prepare food menu that is different from your usual consumption. How healthy diet will work if you run it with pleasure. A healthy diet will also work if you can hold your little appetite in ways simple. Suppose you should be able to prevent yourself to add to the rice when eating. Both ends meet for the train portion of your meal you reduce food portions continuously periodically.

In addition, a healthy diet means you do not like it will give maximum results. How healthy diet will require you to eat lots of vegetables and fruit in large quantities. To be successful, you must meet requirements such as preparing a lot of vegetables and fruit to your daily consumption. Within a week you should consume at least nineteen kinds of fruits and vegetables to get enough fiber. Switch to healthier beverages such as water, fruit juice, and green, also you have to do to get the most out of the way a healthy diet whatever you are running.

How a healthy diet is very diverse. Each way of a healthy diet has its own challenges. Therefore, to achieve maximum results, a good idea to try one of them. Try a healthy diet can make you focus on achieving the results you want. Every time you apply a healthy diet, you will certainly face many challenges.

For that, concentrate on just one way of a healthy diet will make you focus and able to face the challenge well. Also, apply a variety of ways healthy diet will make you trouble controlling your desire to fight and eventually a few ways that you apply a healthy diet will not work. You will also experience health problems if you apply a healthy diet without regard to the ability of your body.

In addition, you also must have some kind of target in adopting a healthy diet. Suppose you are implementing carbohydrate diet, you should note how much progress you and whether it has met the target that you have previously made. Without taking notes, you will not know how effective way healthy diet you are going through. This will make you bored and not doing that you should do like improving your diet assessment or the other. It also will hamper you psychologically to keep eager in adopting a healthy diet.

In addition, the way a healthy diet is quite difficult to implement. However, if you understand how important it is to apply a healthy diet, then you will be able to run any difficulty with either. How a healthy diet is very important to apply not only to lose weight but also to create better health conditions. A healthy diet makes life healthier.

Tags: best weight loss program, weight loss programs, healthy performance diet, best diet plan, diet for healthy heart


Grape Juice Very Helpful to Strengthen Memory

Grape juice can reduce the risk of memory loss. However, wine is processed into juice, must wine or purple grape purple. It is based on research conducted by a team from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, United States.

The study was conducted involving 12 people who experienced memory loss. During the 12 weeks they regularly consume purple grape juice. Participants who engaged research, also undergo regular tests of memory for three months. The result is seen the development of memory quite rapidly after they underwent several tests of mental and memory. Researcher who is a psychiatrist from the University of Cincinnati certain antioxidants found in wine making for their memory is getting better.

"The test results of participants showed increased short-term memory and non-verbal after 12 weeks of grape juice without any mixture," said Dr. Robert Krikorian, head of research at the University of Cincinnati.

This study strengthens the theory that the foods that contain high antioxidants can prevent the decline in brain function and slow the memory loss. Dr. Krikorian tests the purple grape juice on the parents who experience memory problems between the ages of 75 to 80 years.


Content And a Benefit of Soy Milk For The Human Body

Soy milk contains many nutrients that the human body needs. In addition, the content of protein in soy milk is equivalent to cow's milk so can be an alternative, especially if you experience any problems of lactose intolerance or cow's milk allergy. Its content of soy milk actually much richer than cow milk. In infants or young children, soy milk can also be used as the best alternative to replace the formula that tends to contain bacteria that can harm health. Benefits and content of soy milk include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, essential vitamins and minerals.

Protein content of soy milk in handy to enhance the body immunity, for growth and to repair tissue, as well. Content of soy protein in milk is composed of a number of amino acids such as lecithin, lysine, niacin, leucine, threonine, isoleucine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, arginine and glycine. The last two amino acid is a constituent component of the hormone insulin and glukogen released by the pancreas gland in the body.

Fats, carbohydrates, and fiber / fiber that are in the content of soy milk are very good for human body because it can be a source of energy and also facilitate the digestive system. While the essential vitamins contained in the content of soy milk is vitamin A (which in soy bean derived from carotene) to help the smooth functioning of the vision and bone growth, vitamin B1, which was instrumental in generating energy, vitamin B2 (many contained in the milk, either cow's milk, soy milk and breast milk), Vitamin E is known to be useful to streamline the process of reproduction, the process of menstruation, increased milk production and to prevent miscarriage, impotence, heart disease and cardiovascular.
In addition, the mineral content of soya milk useful in strengthening bones and teeth and enhance body immunity against diseases.

In the content of soy milk there is also a useful polysaccharides suppress glucose and triglyceride levels that consuming soy milk is very good for diabetics to help control blood sugar levels are high. The content of soy milk the most famous is the isoflavones, which some amino acids in soybean seeds that bind to each other plus some vitamins and other nutrients and the form of flavonoids. Unpleasant odor characteristic of soybean milk actually comes from these flavonoids. Scientifically, flavonoids shown to prevent also treat various diseases. Content of isoflavones in soy milk is very beneficial to unleash metabolism and digestion, enhance immunity, strengthen the bone structure, stabilize blood pressure and blood sugar, reduce levels of bad cholesterol, prevent obesity, and reduce the symptoms of various diseases such as kidney, heart disease, stroke, acid veins, arthritis, ulcers and even reduce the symptoms of menopause.

So much content of soy milk are known to be extremely beneficial to the health of our body so that the soy milk become so popular. The only drawback is the smell of soy milk in some people considered bad. But now the market has available unsweetened soy milk and natural food flavorings. If you do not like the smell typical of pure soy milk, you can eat with strawberry-flavored soy milk, pandanus, ginger, chocolate, vanilla, etc.


What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the parenchyma (tissue), lung, on the part farthest from the terminal bronchioles which includes respiratory bronchioles, and alveoli, and cause consolidation (sticking together) of lung tissue and disruption of local gas exchange.

The occurrence of pneumonia depends on the number of germs, the ease and extent of the affected lung regions and stamina. As for which are predisposing factors include smoking, post-viral infection, chronic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency conditions, structural abnormalities or weakness of the chest organs as well as a decrease in consciousness.
Cause of Pneumonia
Pneumonia caused by various microorganisms, its common causes are bacteria ( S.pneumonia, H.influenza, S.aureus, P.aeruginosa, M.tuberculosis, M.kansasii, etc.), but can also be caused by the fungus (P.carinii, C.neoformans, H.capsulatum, C.immitis, A.fumigatus, etc.), protozoa (toxoplasma) and viral (CMV, herpes simplex).

Germs cause usually vary between one region to another, also related to the interaction of the factors of infection, the occurrence of infection and changes in patient condition such as immune system disorders, chronic disease, environmental pollution and the inappropriate use of antibiotics.

Symptoms and Signs of Pneumonia

Clinical symptoms that can be found to light, culminant (severe), even fatal. The presence of fever, nonproductive cough (no phlegm) or productive (phlegm) with purulent sputum (yellow), chest pain pleurisy (influenced by respiration), chills, rigor, and shortness of breath is a picture that is often found. Moreover, it can also found in patients with symptoms of headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, myalgia (muscle pain), arthralgia (joint pain) and fatigue (tiredness).

The signs that often arises is takipneu (breathing frequency> 20x/minutes), tachycardia (pulse> 100x/minutes).

Supplementary Examination

On routine laboratory examination is commonly found leukocytosis (increased number of leukocytes in the blood) in bacterial infection. Leukocytes (white blood cells), normal or low could be caused by a viral infection or Mycoplasma, or can also occur in severe infection that did not happen leukocyte response, or on the elderly, weak or with immune system failure.

Another inspection is an examination conducted bacterial culture or other causative agent. The material can be derived from sputum, blood, or lung tissue. In addition, the beneficial bacteria cultures taken for pre-therapy and further evaluation of therapy.

Healing Procedure

Therapy given to patients with pneumonia is a causal therapy (cause) of the germs that cause as a primary therapy, and general supportive therapy. Causal therapy such as antibiotics empirically as ampislin-sulbactame, amoxicillin / acid klavulanat, second generation cephalosporin in pneumonia community, third-generation cephalosporin or anti pseudomonas on nosocomial pneumonia, antifungal classes because of mushrooms azoles on pneumonia, cotrimoxazole or dapsone on pneumonia because P.carinii, and makrolid, doxycycline or a fluoroquinolone in atypical pneumonia.

The supportive therapy is adjusted to the circumstances of patients, such as providing therapy O2 (oxygen), inhalation therapy in the thick sputum, chest physiotherapy for spending sputum, fluid regulation, and other therapies are needed.


Tips How To Choose A Hair Style

In this modern era, physical characteristics are very important, especially your work in the field that requires you to meet many people.

One important factor that determines your appearance is your hair style, which makes it choose a hairstyle that suits you into a pretty difficult task for you. Some people are lucky because they were born with the scientific ability to choose the right hair style and fit for them, other than that, the proportion of facial and body hair also makes the model of what would seem appropriate for them. But some people cannot even choose a simple hair style for them, so they need a little help to find a hair style that suits them. If included in the people who do not know to choose the hair style, here are some suggestions and things to consider in choosing a hair style.

In choosing a hair style that suits you, there are some important things you should consider: that is the face shape, body shape, age and style of your dress. Face shape is the main and important factor in choosing the right hair style and fit, because a certain face shape, combined with a certain haircut will give a different impression and appearance on your face. Therefore, choosing a suitable hairstyle for face shape is very important.

Basically, there are several types of face shapes, you should consider in choosing a hair style, it is the heart face shape, face shape round, oval face shape, and form a box or a firm faces. If you have a heart-shaped face or taper, the model that suits your hair is short hair and long hair, shoulder length hair cut may not be suitable for you. As for the hairdo, you are advised to avoid the hairstyle too upwards. Pony hair wave model to the right or left side, which is not too heavy also be suitable for a heart face shape. If you have a relatively round face, choose 1 may be very difficult. If you have a round face, you are advised to choose a short hair style, with a few bangs wave to the left or right. If you prefer a long hair style or shoulder length, your hair should be straight, no waves though. Basically, choose the style curly or wavy hair is that you should avoid if your face is round. For the oval face shape, choose the style of straight hair with slightly wavy hair to the left or right would be a good choice. Pieces like it also to choose, when you are faced box.

Another factor you should consider in choosing a hair style that fits and is appropriate for your age. Some people may be aware of the need for their hair style, based on their age. However, you and some other people might not be aware of the need to choose a hairstyle based on age. If you are less than 20 years, for example, order that suits you is a straight with a wave model to the left or right side.


Definition And Benefits of Car Insurance

What is insurance?
When we think about insurance, the first thought is free from financial losses due to unexpected accidents coming. Because the purpose of insurance is basically to reduce the uncertainty of the possibility of unexpected losses. In general, insurance is defined as an agreement where a person makes a bond with an insured to receive a premium to provide reimbursement to him for any loss, damage, or loss which may be experienced due to unforeseen events.

What is a benefits of insurance? 
Insurance that we know is include life insurance, general insurance and health insurance. Insurance is insurance that protects the property and its contents such as houses, apartments, cars and others.
Car insurance is intended to protect from the threat of unforeseen hazards such as collision, theft of car parts or even the car it is stolen. By protecting a car with insurance, we can drive a car with a sense of calm and safe to travel anywhere.

Types of car insurance coverage consists of car insurance vehicle:
Combined Insurance (Comprehensive) or All Risk
Guarantee losses resulting from major and minor accidents or loss with the imposition of additional equipment / vehicle destruction or loss.

Insurance Losses Total (Total Loss Only / TLO)
Guarantee losses resulting from accidents with minimum damage to 75% of the sum insured or the vehicle is lost.

In addition to the basic protections such as the above, car insurance also provides liability insurance expansion such as the law against third parties and passengers, riots (Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion), Natural Disasters (Act of God), etc..

At present, it is very easy for you to obtain car insurance an attractive and appropriate to the needs of as many insurance companies in Indonesia are competing by offering interesting programs. More and more people are insured indicates that the awareness to protect the price of their items from the possibility of danger is getting better.

Insurance companies in the country now compete to provide the best service for the community, both in terms of programs to claim problems.


Choosing a Car Insurance

A growing number of car insurance products offered. Therefore, the principle carefully before buying, it should be applied, so as not to regret in the future. Before deciding to choose one of several car insurance products offered :

1. Determine the type of insurance coverage desired. Overall protection (All Risk) provides the best protection, but you need to take into account the economic side. 2. Do not be fixated on the size of the premium to be paid. See the company's credibility, especially in terms of service, claims handling and financial capability.

3. Many insurance companies are credible and bonafide, though without the support of re-insurance company. But there's no harm in finding out the track record of re-insurance company (if any).

4. Does the company provide additional benefits, such as 24-hour claim service, free towing, insurance claim process 24 hours, etc?

5. It is better you see the company's partner shop network. How much, where it is located and how the quality of these workshops.

6. Understand exactly everything what your rights and obligations. What should you do and what not. Are there any exceptions in the policy contract, any profit you have to lose?

Please do not make a mistake in choosing car insurance.


Protect Your Skin From Sunlight

Your skin has a natural protection system is a layer of melanin. the brown color of your skin is getting thicker layer of melanin in your skin thus giving more protection for your skin. Therefore, at very low among the African people getting skin cancer because of their natural protective immune enough to block the ultraviolet radiation (UV). However, for those who are white have a thin layer of melanin. Therefore, the white skin is more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation (UV).

Given the dangers of ultraviolet radiation (UV) sun, the skin should be protected even if the body has provided a natural protection system. Radiation burns due to the sun can be skin cancer 20 years later or more. Therefore, protection for the skin from sunlight is need to be considered eaHow do I do this? Here are some practical ways to protect your skin from dangerous sun rays and reduce the risk of skin cancer.
  • Limit time exposed to direct sunlight, especially between the hours of 10:00 until 16:00. Because at that ultraviolet radiation (UV) which is at its peak that is dangerous when the sun is very hot.
  • Check all of your skin whether or not there are abnormalities at least every three months.
  • Before doing activities outdoors, use sunscreen (UV protection) with the level of broad spectrum SPF 15 or higher. Also use a sunscreen that can protect from UVA and UVB radiation (see the article Sunscreen for further explanation). Apply sunscreen to the skin surface about 20 minutes before you are exposed to sunlight, and then apply again after 20 minutes of direct sunlight.
  • Apply more sunscreen every two hours when outdoors, especially if you're swimming or sweating. Sunscreen easily is lost because of sweat and towels.
  • Wear clothing that protects the skin like a hat with a wide lip hat, sunglasses with UV protective lenses, long pants, long-sleeved clothing or jackets.
  • We recommend wearing tightly knitted clothes with a dark color because it gives more protection.
  • Begin to protect the skin from an early age to teach your children about the dangers of the sun during the day.
        Avoid surfaces that reflect sunlight, such as water, sand, and polish floors. Give extra attention to your skin if you are in the area.
  • As much as possible you take cover or move in a place that not exposed to the scorching sun.


Why do people love to drink coffee?

Why do people loved to drink coffee? The reason is that a cup of coffee can make you work faster and efficiently. And a cup of coffee can also make you concentrate more on thinking and focus in dealing with a problem which is facing. But if you drink too much coffee, you will have the opposite effect. Caffeine will remain in the body up to 15 hours. And in suppose if you drink a cup of coffee in the daytime, it can delay your sleep time to 10 pm or more. It can make you become mentally tired and will feel lost energy in the morning.

Coffee contains a component or a substance called tannins which can reduce the speed element of the brain, such as iron, up to 75%. Therefore, limit the intensity of your coffee do not get more than 3 cups of coffee a day. If not, excessive coffee drinking will only make you become sick and only worsen the condition of your body. Be wise in coffee drinking for the sake of your own health.

Tag: coffee service companies, coffee service, coffee heart health, coffee fat loss, is coffee good for your health, coffee and cancer risk, drinking coffee to lose weight


Regular Exercise Makes You Beautiful

Health and beauty skin is every woman's dream. Various beauty products used to make the skin healthy, beautiful and smooth. Some women get around the beauty of her skin to look younger with makeup. In addition, healthy eating patterns also support the beauty and skin health. There also are using traditional ways to beauty and skin care, such as using a chocolate or strawberry. However, from a variety of ways and methods to beautify the skin, do not forget to exercise. What are the benefits of exercise for your skin?

Help remove toxins and free radicals from the body
Cigarette smoke, air pollution or chemicals in beauty products have a bad impact on our skin. Free radicals damage the skin due to it so that it can cause wrinkles or spots. With exercise, toxins in our bodies can be issued. Good blood circulation causes the distribution of the maximum absorbed nutrients to the skin and helps remove toxins in the skin.
Stimulates collagen production
Collagen is a filler material to skin cells that make skin supple and taut. With age, collagen production decreases and decreases which cause skin to become dry and wrinkled. Collagen production can be stimulated by regular exercise because the skin cells will get the distribution of oxygen and good nutrition so that the skin will shine and supple.
Prevent acne
This is because exercise helps control the production of DHEA and DHT hormones that trigger acne. Another cause of acne is due to stress. We will produce stress hormones that trigger acne. However, studies show that most of the stress will be reduced if you exercise regularly so that the acne would not appear.
Reduce cellulite
Cellulite is due to fibroblast interested fabric and form pockets of fat. Cellulite is generally in the buttocks, thighs, back or arms and make the skin resembles an orange. The presence of cellulite will interfere with your performance. When exercising, the body undergoes the process of formation of cellulite and stretch the muscles so that there can be removed.

After learning that exercise is also beneficial for beauty, there is no excuse for not exercising today,  right?


Tips to make your hair looks so beautiful

Actually, to create and maintain beautiful hair you still do not require expensive treatment. There are a few tips that easy to do. In order for your hair to be beautiful, you can try some of these tips.

Implement a healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle includes not smoking, diligent exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, also refreshing and relaxing for the mind does not become stressful. For food, you can consume foods that contain vitamins A, C, E, selenium because this substance is an excellent keeping hair healthy.

Try to sleep enough and well every day
If your sleep is disturbed, it can cause the blood circulation is not smooth. As a result hair is not getting enough nutrients and leads to dull hair. Therefore, do not overload your mind with things that can disturb your sleep.

Use the appropriate hair care products
When using hair care products, note the composition of the product. Avoid products made from alcohol in high concentrations because the content can damage the hair. When using these products, do not directly bear on the scalp because it causes the pores of the closed head and can damage the scalp which in turn damage the hair.

When swimming, spread with water base or hair cover
The purpose of this is that hair is not contaminated with the chemical content of pool water can damage your hair.

Use a wooden comb
Comb made of wood to reduce hair loss. Cleanliness comb also need to be maintained so that there is dirt in the comb is not attached to your hair.

Select the appropriate shampoo
After considering the type of hair, this became the basis for you to choose a shampoo that will be used. Select the appropriate quality shampoo with hair condition.


This is the 5 Causes Why You Are Hard To become Slim

Some people are sometimes difficult to lose weight and still have body fat. Without realizing some things that did in fact make it difficult to become thin.

Generally most people have a lot of willingness to lose weight, but to no avail. To increase the chances of success of behavior change necessary 1-2.

Some of the habits that made a person could unwittingly create difficult weight is reduced so that it remains to be fat. For that to know what things that can make a person difficult to become thin as follows:

Skipping meals
do not have a regular meal times can make the body difficult to control appetite and become more of a meal. If someone spent the time eating the brain has no power and will send a signal to eat more.

Eating quickly
If someone ate quickly will make it feel full faster and will move to other foods. For that try to enjoy it and slow it down so the body more able to recognize the full signal and makes the brain issued an order to stop eating.

Doing a party at the end of the week
Party at the end of the week will cause problems later. Study finds saturated fatty acids from food will affect the palmitic acid and leptin (a hormone that helps regulate appetite), so that makes it will eat him over on Monday.

Frequent snacking on salty foods
Sodium contained in salt can make a person continue to eat without realizing that he will be snacking in big portions. Gradually reducing salt intake can make a person slightly reduce her addiction.

Eating in front of the television
this is because someone is eating but do not burn calories , and studies show that eating in front of the television will make it consume more calories and make them more sedentary. And do not sleep after eating a heavy meal, but wait until several hours later.


9 things that wrong in Beauty Care

beauty cares, health beauty, inner beauty, preety and healthy
Sometimes, you feel do all beauty treatments correctly. However, often, there are some common mistakes women in beauty treatments. What you should do?

1. Model of haircuts unchanged
Of course, maintaining the model haircuts over the years was inappropriate. Instead, do a small change in your hairstyle for a fresh appearance as a whole.

2. Sleep deprivation
Sleep is very important for the skin. During sleep, the enzymes repair work to repair damage, reduce toxins and distribute nutrients to the body's cells.

3. Too avoid fat
Lack of dietary fat can cause the skin to become dry, scaly, and hair branching. You can eat vegetable fat to get beautiful skin without sacrificing your body shape.

4. Forgot to exercise
Sports not only well for the body, but also make the skin glow because of increased blood flow throughout the body, including skin.

5. Ignoring cosmetic hygiene
Brush or sponge powder that will pile up dirty germs on the face skin and cause acne. Clean 2 weeks using lukewarm water.

6. Wrong use of cosmetics
The practice of using expired cosmetics, taking cosmetic with a finger, or put back the remaining excess cosmetics can cause acne and skin irritation. So, remove all the products that have changed color, texture and aroma. Try to touch the product by using cotton buds or cotton. Or pour a little into the palm of the hand, then applied to the face.

7. Sleeping without a clean makeup
Make up is not cleaned up can clog pores, cause acne, and irritation of the eye. Skin needs time to update the cells. But because of clogged pores, this process becomes blocked, thus making the skin becomes dull.

8. Long bath with hot water
Sounds like fun, but it can make the skin dry. Limit your bath time only for about 3 minutes with water temperature that was not too hot. Always use a moisturizer immediately after bathing to prevent skin dry.

9. Spraying perfume on wrist
If you wear a watch or bracelet, the fragrances will blend in with the scent of your accessories. Better, spray perfume on pulse points at the neck, because this region is warmer and will help spread the fragrance.

That's 9 things that wrong in Beauty Care.. 

Tags: skin treatments, skincare, beauty online, beauty salon, skin treatments


Overcome Smooth Wrinkles On Face With Tomatoes

Fine wrinkles start to appear on the face, especially the chin, smile lines and forehead as well as a sign that you're not young anymore. To prevent this, you can use various techniques, starting with the various anti-wrinkle cream, until surgery (face lifting). In addition to these treatments, you can also keep up with the maintenance of internal (from within), one of which consumes as tomatoes.

Tomatoes contain lycopene which is famous for its allegedly to prevent wrinkles and dark spots due to sunlight. 80% of wrinkles caused by sunlight and lycopene is one of the potent antioxidant that can stop the aging process caused by exposure to sunlight.

According to experts, add the tomatoes into menumendatangkan many benefits. Lycopene is also famous for its usefulness in the fight against heart disease and cancer. So in addition to skin health, you can also prevent other diseases.

Consume lycopene-rich tomato paste can dramatically reduce skin damage caused by sunlight. Eating tomato paste mixed with olive oil for 10 minngu in addition to your regular menu. Lycopene is an antioxidant that is very potent and powerful weapon in preventing skin damage caused by free radicals.

Add some cooked tomato dishes into your menu such as spaghetti, pizza. tomato soup or other. If possible choose the tomatoes are cooked than raw. Though raw tomatoes contain lots of lycopene, but when cooked the abortion will increase 4 fold.

Add fresh tomato slices on sandwiches and hamburgers. Replace mayonnaise in sandwiches and hamburgers with tomato paste, then you will get a taste that is completely different.

There's a good idea to drink 1 glass of tomato juice every day instead of orange. Because by drinking tomato juice, then you will get the lycopene and vitamin C. If you do not like the tomatoes then you can take lycopene supplements but should consult your doctor.


10 Smart Tips To Choose an Insurance Services Company

10 Smart Tips To Choose an Insurance Services Company :

1. Select a healthy company with a reputable insurance agents and claims service good. There are certain health ratios for insurance companies which can be accessed at each portal or portals insurance association.

2. Find a product with the lowest cost, find insurance providers that offer the cheapest product prices for the necessary protection. Alternatively, look for sources (agents) are educated and trained insurance. With his help, determine the amount of protection required.

3. If you have a need for living expenses when children grow up, pay the mortgage, pay the tuition fees of children, purchase a term life insurance. If you do not have a requirement to pay property taxes, to support school children with Down syndrome at home, continuing to support the charity after death, providing additional income for life for the spouse left behind, then buy a whole life insurance.

4. If no one who depends on you financially, do not buy life insurance. Do not buy life insurance if you do not need, for example when we are still very young, because we passed a smaller probability.

5. Buy a term life insurance if you need such a large but limited budgets, for example to those who have small children. If children grow, parents who work need to buy an additional policy. For young families, buy a life insurance product that ensures rejuvenation options contracts based on market developments and the conversion became permanent. Compare the cost and type of protection offered by insurance from your office work versus purchasing their own insurance, because there are plus minus according to their respective conditions.

6. Increase the protection of your family by purchasing an individual life insurance products and not from the office or any other party (if any) because of protection will end (for reasons we moved the work that caused the suspension of premium payments the insured is still alive).

7. Do not compare with a cash value protection will die, because if you expect the value of investments at the end of the period of protection (we do not die) then we are often disappointed because imagine the cash value will be equal to the premiums already paid. The important thing is preparing to give adequate protection death benefit on the left so it does not create financial problems in the future.

8. Consider where the optimal for you, buy property insurance and credit insurance of bank mortgage providers (insurance companies and diversified insurance policies for different needs) or buy an insurance policy that can protect the entire needs of the people we leave behind. This is because the need to compare which ones to give optimum benefit and which ones are most appropriate to use conditions at the time the family left behind if there is risk of death.

9. If your spouse also works, you should insure your partner's income potential. If the party who dies is a greater income, then if not insured will create new problems.

10. Calculate your insurance target, record and list the name and address of insurance, policy number, the value of death benefits, the beneficiary, name of insurance agent and telephone, the policy effective date, and location of initial policy.


How To Make Your Business Health Insurance Effective, Efficient and Profitable

How To Make Your Business Health Insurance Effective, Efficient and Profitable - Health insurance products can be marketed by life insurance companies and insurance companies. One of the factors why the health insurance business was started many marketed by insurance companies, because this product is enough to contribute substantial premium.

In this article, we discuss about the technical aspects that can be done for the health insurance business which is managed by the insurance company can be marketed effectively and efficiently and to provide benefits. This time will be discussed on Aspects of Plan Design, where this aspect is the beginning of the process before the product is marketed by the sales force.

Before preparing and making a rough framework of a health insurance product, there are a number of technical questions which must first be answered by the related sections of the insurance company. This question will give a fairly clear picture, so that the product will be marketed would be appropriate and well targeted. The first question is what type of benefits available to applicants at this time? This question was followed by a question: whether the benefits received by the prospective insured is sufficient and meets the needs of prospective employees insured? This question is important for the development of products raised the insurance company knows what benefits can be offered to the prospective insured's sticking to the benefits they already receive today.

Obviously the product to be offered will have a minimum standard of benefits in accordance with the benefits they receive for this. By knowing the level and types of benefits that have been and are being accepted by the applicants, of course, insurance companies have succeeded in shortening the period of closure with the prospective insured's policy. Part of product development, certainly do not need to care for the benefit revisions submitted by the marketing department. The first question is a basic question in designing health insurance products in an effective and efficient, and more highlight to the needs and desires of prospective employees of the insured.

Tags : business health insurance, individual health insurance plans, health insurance policy, health insurance policies


Soft Drink increase the risk of pancreatic cancer

Again and again, more soft drinks have negative effects on health. Based on the latest study from the researchers, people who consumed two cups or more soft drinks per week can increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer that reached nearly doubled compared with persons who do not drink soft drinks.

According to research Mark Pereira, Ph.D., associate professor at the School of Public Health University of Minnesota, as well as the author of "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention" in the journal "American Association for Cancer Research" refers to "those who consume soft drinks on a regular basis (which is defined as carbonated beverages), especially the sweet drinks, tend to have a very bad behavior profiles as a whole ".

But the effect of carbonated beverages on pancreatic cancer is very unique. According to Mark Pereira, Ph.D. "high levels of sugar in soft drinks raise levels of insulin in the body that contribute to the growth of pancreatic cancer cells ".

In Pereira's research, increasing the risk of people who drink soft drinks pancreatic cancer was 87% higher than people who do not drink soft drinks.

Tags: pancreatic cancer info, causes of pancreatic cancer, cancer treatments, pancreatic cancer and soda, cancer drinks, insulin and the pancreas, risk of pancreatic cancer, pancreatic cancer risk


Benefits and content that substance in tea

green tea | Benefits of Green Tea | tea for Health | healthy Tea
Tea comes from china "Tay" and is one of the oldest beverages in the world which is derived from the plant (camellia sinensis). Nutrient content and chemical composition in a cup of tea is about 4 calories. Tea also contains fluoride (up to 260 ppm in dry tea) and cobalt (1.8 g in 6 cups). In addition, tea contains vitamin B complex, vitamin B2, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, copper, potassium, vitamin C and caffeine. Approximately 1 / 3 to ½ of the components that are dissolved in the water when we brew tea are polyphenols, catechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallat and epicaltechin.

Tea for health benefits

Reducing the risk of cancer
Results of scientific studies have proved that tea has anti-mutagenic properties, so has the ability to prevent cancer. Catechins can prevent skin cancer caused by ultraviolet light or chemicals.

Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
The main cause of cardiovascular disease is high blood cholesterol levels and free radicals. Some studies reveal that drinking tea has a negative correlation with blood cholesterol levels. Polyphenols can neutralize free radicals. whereas free radicals can cause injury to the blood vessel wall which in turn facilitate the deposition of lipids or fats. And ultimately cause atherosclerosis (blocked arteries).

Losing weight
The existence of polyphenols may inhibit the absorption of other nutrients, including vitamin B and vitamin B1. By reducing the intake of vitamins B1, the weight will decrease.

Lowering high blood pressure
High blood pressure is influenced by angiotensin. Components that can suppress angiotensin enzyme tranferase will be able to reduce blood pressure. Epigallocatechin gallate can act as inhibitors of angiotensin transferase so that the person has a chance to drink tea for lowering blood pressure.

Benefits of minerals contained in tea

High fluoride levels in tea plays an important role to strengthen the teeth. Children who used to drink tea are less likely to suffer from caries (40% lower compared with those not drinking tea).

Manganese (Mn)
Manganese can help normalize the metabolism of sugar, because Manganese is a co-enzyme of Metallo enzymes in the mitochondria. In the mitochondria sugars have a perfect solution to form energy.

Potassium (K)
Potassium larger amount of sodium (Na) will be beneficial for people with high blood diseases.
Copper (Cu)
Copper plays an important role in the body as co-enzymes that destroy free radicals play a role. Destruction of free radicals reduce the chance of getting degenerative diseases (heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc)

Benefits of vitamins contained in tea

Vitamin K
The content of vitamin K can reach 300 to 500 IU / gram of tea. So the 5 cups of tea is filling the needs of vitamin C a day. Vitamin K is essential in the synthesis of various components that play a role in blood clotting.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant substance and many referred to as vitamin inhibiting the aging process and vitamins that can prevent cancer. The content of vitamin E is quite high about 24-80 mg/100 g, but unfortunately much damaged during processing, storage and manufacturing.

Vitamin C
The content of vitamin C in about 100 mg/100 g tea green tea, but partly damaged during processing.

This is a negative thing to remember from drinking tea

Do not drink tea after a meal, especially a thick tea.
A thick tea can affect kidney function especially when the kidneys have the disorder. In addition, tea also contains phytic acid which can inhibit the absorption of Fe. So that Fe derived from the food we eat cannot be absorbed by our bodies.
Tea contains caffeine which is higher than caffeinated coffee
Compared to coffee, tea contains caffeine which is higher so that at certain levels of drinking tea can cause our heart palpitations result from excessive caffeine reaction in the body.

Tag: green tea arthritis, benefits of green tea extract pills, chai green tea health benefits, study green tea, green tea research, green tea antioxidants benefits, green tea vitamin c, polyphenols in tea, green tea extract


10 Smart Tips To Choose an Insurance Services Company

This is 10 tips to choose an insurance service company:

1. Select a healthy company with a reputable insurance agents and claims service good. There are certain health ratios for insurance companies which can be accessed at each portal or portals insurance association.

2. Find a product with the lowest cost, find insurance providers that offer the cheapest product prices for the necessary protection. Alternatively, look for sources (agents) are educated and trained insurance. With his help, determine the amount of protection required.

3. If you have a need for living expenses when children grow up, pay the mortgage, pay the tuition fees of children, purchase a term life insurance. If you do not have a requirement to pay property taxes, to support school children with Down syndrome at home, continuing to support the charity after death, providing additional income for life for the spouse left behind, then buy a whole life insurance.

4. If no one who depends on you financially, do not buy life insurance. Do not buy life insurance if you do not need, for example when we are still very young, because we passed a smaller probability.

5. Buy a term life insurance if you need such a large but limited budgets, for example to those who have small children. If children grow, parents who work need to buy an additional policy. For young families, buy a life insurance product that ensures rejuvenation options contracts based on market developments and the conversion became permanent. Compare the cost and type of protection offered by insurance from your office work versus purchasing their own insurance, because there are plus minus according to their respective conditions.

6. Increase the protection of your family by purchasing an individual life insurance products and not from the office or any other party (if any) because of protection will end (for reasons we moved the work that caused the suspension of premium payments the insured is still alive).

7. Do not compare with a cash value protection will die, because if you expect the value of investments at the end of the period of protection (we do not die) then we are often disappointed because imagine the cash value will be equal to the premiums already paid. The important thing is preparing to give adequate protection death benefit on the left so it does not create financial problems in the future.

8. Consider where the optimal for you, buy property insurance and credit insurance of bank mortgage providers (insurance companies and diversified insurance policies for different needs) or buy an insurance policy that can protect the entire needs of the people we leave behind. This is because the need to compare which ones to give optimum benefit and which ones are most appropriate to use conditions at the time the family left behind if there is risk of death.

9. If your spouse also works, you should insure your partner's income potential. If the party who dies is a greater income, then if not insured will create new problems.

10. Calculate your insurance target, record and list the name and address of insurance, policy number, the value of death benefits, the beneficiary, name of insurance agent and telephone, the policy effective date, and location of initial policy.


How to Choose a health insurance service

health insurance service | Life Insurance | Company Insurance
What kind of health insurance service that we need to look and we choose? Here are some tips that may help us in choosing a health insurance.

Has the principle of "carefully before buying".
As health insurance applicants, we are entitled to get the right information, clear and honest about the terms / conditions stated in the insurance agreement. Let us first read the instructions, information, and the procedure carefully and do not hesitate to ask the insurance company if there is something less obvious. Learn the agreement properly so as to make the right decision. Given the usual clause or clauses written in small letters on the back of the agreement and use the term that is sometimes difficult to understand layman, then we must be diligent in asking to avoid the occurrence of conflicts in the future as a result of the difference between our interpretation as a participant or insured by an insurance company or insurer.

Choose the insurance company which is reliable and has good products and services.
Try to make comparison with some health insurance companies that have a reliable and have excellent service. Compare the benefits and premiums to be paid between the various health insurance products. Choose which according to your needs and our ability to pay premiums.

Follow the collective health insurance program with fellow employees in your company
If the company where we work do not provide health insurance, then we can take the initiative to follow the collective health insurance program with fellow employees in our company. This will benefit because the premium paid would be lower if collectively, but the losses may not be able to adopt 100% according to our will as well adapted to the needs of the group.

Now you can choose your best Health Insurance Service by your own.


Laser hair removal in NYC

Before you find the location of laser hair removal in new york city, you should know first how and what is laser hair removal.

How effective is laser hair removal?
Our lasers have been specifically chosen because they offer the fastest results, with the least amount of discomfort. All of our systems are FDA approved.

Why do I need multiple sessions?
Laser hair removal in NYC requires multiple sessions in order to achieve desired clearance. This is based primarily on biological factors – the cycle of hair growth. At Laser Cosmetica, we recommend a protocol of six sessions in order to achieve clearance in the treated area.

What is the Laser Cosmetica Touch-Up Program?
Laser Cosmetica guarantees its results with free touch-ups treatments. For package purchasers, four free touch-ups to be used over the course of two years from date of purchase. In order to qualify for the touch-up program, clients must observe protocol and complete six session course.

Does the treatment hurt?
People are often amazed at how little our laser hair removal systems hurt compared to their previous experiences with lasers. At times clients will experience a sensation often described as a “hot pinch” or “snapping” feeling. The sensation only lasts for a fraction of a second, and you may feel warmth or a tingling sensation for a short time afterward. Our lasers use a chill tip that helps to cool the dermis and neutralize any discomfort. For your convenience, we offer numbing creams and post laser topicals to reduce any possible irritation.

Is treatment with laser safe?
Laser hair removal NYC is very safe for the skin. There are many advances in laser hair removal technology for all skin colors. There are no long term health hazards from laser energies used in our systems. They are FDA approved.

What kind of results can I expect from each laser hair removal treatment?
Each laser hair removal treatment will result in a hair growth reduction. Additionally, hair will grow progressively slower, lighter, and finer with each treatment. It takes more than one treatment to affect all the follicles growing in an area. Most people achieve satisfactory clearance after six treatments, but individual results may vary depending on medical and genetic factors. Lighter colored hair may require more treatments than darker colored hair. At the end of your protocol, the desired outcome is 80% to 100% clearance in the treated area.

How frequently do I need treatments?
Laser hair removal treatments are usually performed every two months. Our experienced Clinic Directors will design a protocol to fit your individual needs before beginning any treatment program.

What happens after each Laser Hair Removal treatment?
Temporary pinkness of the skin lasts a very short time, and most people return to work or normal activities immediately after treatment. The treated area will “shed” some hair over the next 3-4 weeks, and you may experience a period of hairlessness in the area while you wait for your next treatment.

And this is the address of Laser Cosmetica ( one of the best laser hair removal in NYC ):

Manhattan location:
18 West 23rd Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10010

51-53 East 73rd Street, Suite 2B
New York, NY 10021

Midtown West
57 West 57th Street, Suite 1209
New York, NY 10019

Financial District
160 Broadway, Suite 6NE
New York, NY 10038

Midtown East
110 East 40th Street, Suite 407
New York, NY 10016

Long Island locations:

Great Neck
833 Northern Blvd, Suite 235
Great Neck, LI 11 021

Florida locations:

Miami Beach
555 Washington Avenue, Suite 101
Miami Beach, FL 33139

Westchester locations:

White Plains
10 Chester Avenue, 1st Floor
White Plains, NY 10601


What is Laser Hair Removal ?

Laser Hair Removal | Laser For Beauty
Laser hair removal is designed to permanently remove the hair or hair on your body of unwanted by using light energy using laser technology. Hair or unwanted hair become common problem among men and women. Shaving, rubbing wax, and pull out only gives temporary results and in general can only be done in small areas.

Hair care and hair removal by laser can be used to permanently treat and remove unwanted hair in small and large areas on your body. The best results were obtained in those with bright or light skin and dark hair, cleaning or removal of hair works better on coarse hair rather than fine hair.

What services are included in the laser hair removal?
Areas that would be removed the feathers be shaved and cleaned first, then kream diusapkan surface anaesthetic. Then produce or emit laser-beam of concentrated light beam which is then absorbed by the high pigment deep inside the hair follicles, damaging the surrounding follicle.

This procedure may not be too comfortable, but not painless. The duration of laser session can be several minutes to an hour or swelling, but usually disappear within a short time. And most people return to their normal activities as usual.

Are there any risks associated with using a laser hair removal?
Removal of hair by laser is a safe procedure when performed by experienced people. Possible complications include:
- The treated skin becomes dark  or brigher
- The treated skin burns or blisters
Because dark skin more susceptible to changes in pigment, drying the body in the sun until the skin turned brown before done with the method of laser hair removal should be avoided.

How many treatments will I need?
Most treatments require 4-6 sessions for permanent hair removal in one area. This procedure can be done several times in one month intervals.

How much for laser hair removal?
contact the clinic closest laser hair removal in your city.

Now you know anything about Laser hair Removal.


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