Why do people love to drink coffee?

Why do people loved to drink coffee? The reason is that a cup of coffee can make you work faster and efficiently. And a cup of coffee can also make you concentrate more on thinking and focus in dealing with a problem which is facing. But if you drink too much coffee, you will have the opposite effect. Caffeine will remain in the body up to 15 hours. And in suppose if you drink a cup of coffee in the daytime, it can delay your sleep time to 10 pm or more. It can make you become mentally tired and will feel lost energy in the morning.

Coffee contains a component or a substance called tannins which can reduce the speed element of the brain, such as iron, up to 75%. Therefore, limit the intensity of your coffee do not get more than 3 cups of coffee a day. If not, excessive coffee drinking will only make you become sick and only worsen the condition of your body. Be wise in coffee drinking for the sake of your own health.

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