What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the parenchyma (tissue), lung, on the part farthest from the terminal bronchioles which includes respiratory bronchioles, and alveoli, and cause consolidation (sticking together) of lung tissue and disruption of local gas exchange.

The occurrence of pneumonia depends on the number of germs, the ease and extent of the affected lung regions and stamina. As for which are predisposing factors include smoking, post-viral infection, chronic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency conditions, structural abnormalities or weakness of the chest organs as well as a decrease in consciousness.
Cause of Pneumonia
Pneumonia caused by various microorganisms, its common causes are bacteria ( S.pneumonia, H.influenza, S.aureus, P.aeruginosa, M.tuberculosis, M.kansasii, etc.), but can also be caused by the fungus (P.carinii, C.neoformans, H.capsulatum, C.immitis, A.fumigatus, etc.), protozoa (toxoplasma) and viral (CMV, herpes simplex).

Germs cause usually vary between one region to another, also related to the interaction of the factors of infection, the occurrence of infection and changes in patient condition such as immune system disorders, chronic disease, environmental pollution and the inappropriate use of antibiotics.

Symptoms and Signs of Pneumonia

Clinical symptoms that can be found to light, culminant (severe), even fatal. The presence of fever, nonproductive cough (no phlegm) or productive (phlegm) with purulent sputum (yellow), chest pain pleurisy (influenced by respiration), chills, rigor, and shortness of breath is a picture that is often found. Moreover, it can also found in patients with symptoms of headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, myalgia (muscle pain), arthralgia (joint pain) and fatigue (tiredness).

The signs that often arises is takipneu (breathing frequency> 20x/minutes), tachycardia (pulse> 100x/minutes).

Supplementary Examination

On routine laboratory examination is commonly found leukocytosis (increased number of leukocytes in the blood) in bacterial infection. Leukocytes (white blood cells), normal or low could be caused by a viral infection or Mycoplasma, or can also occur in severe infection that did not happen leukocyte response, or on the elderly, weak or with immune system failure.

Another inspection is an examination conducted bacterial culture or other causative agent. The material can be derived from sputum, blood, or lung tissue. In addition, the beneficial bacteria cultures taken for pre-therapy and further evaluation of therapy.

Healing Procedure

Therapy given to patients with pneumonia is a causal therapy (cause) of the germs that cause as a primary therapy, and general supportive therapy. Causal therapy such as antibiotics empirically as ampislin-sulbactame, amoxicillin / acid klavulanat, second generation cephalosporin in pneumonia community, third-generation cephalosporin or anti pseudomonas on nosocomial pneumonia, antifungal classes because of mushrooms azoles on pneumonia, cotrimoxazole or dapsone on pneumonia because P.carinii, and makrolid, doxycycline or a fluoroquinolone in atypical pneumonia.

The supportive therapy is adjusted to the circumstances of patients, such as providing therapy O2 (oxygen), inhalation therapy in the thick sputum, chest physiotherapy for spending sputum, fluid regulation, and other therapies are needed.


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