Benefits and content that substance in tea

green tea | Benefits of Green Tea | tea for Health | healthy Tea
Tea comes from china "Tay" and is one of the oldest beverages in the world which is derived from the plant (camellia sinensis). Nutrient content and chemical composition in a cup of tea is about 4 calories. Tea also contains fluoride (up to 260 ppm in dry tea) and cobalt (1.8 g in 6 cups). In addition, tea contains vitamin B complex, vitamin B2, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, copper, potassium, vitamin C and caffeine. Approximately 1 / 3 to ½ of the components that are dissolved in the water when we brew tea are polyphenols, catechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallat and epicaltechin.

Tea for health benefits

Reducing the risk of cancer
Results of scientific studies have proved that tea has anti-mutagenic properties, so has the ability to prevent cancer. Catechins can prevent skin cancer caused by ultraviolet light or chemicals.

Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
The main cause of cardiovascular disease is high blood cholesterol levels and free radicals. Some studies reveal that drinking tea has a negative correlation with blood cholesterol levels. Polyphenols can neutralize free radicals. whereas free radicals can cause injury to the blood vessel wall which in turn facilitate the deposition of lipids or fats. And ultimately cause atherosclerosis (blocked arteries).

Losing weight
The existence of polyphenols may inhibit the absorption of other nutrients, including vitamin B and vitamin B1. By reducing the intake of vitamins B1, the weight will decrease.

Lowering high blood pressure
High blood pressure is influenced by angiotensin. Components that can suppress angiotensin enzyme tranferase will be able to reduce blood pressure. Epigallocatechin gallate can act as inhibitors of angiotensin transferase so that the person has a chance to drink tea for lowering blood pressure.

Benefits of minerals contained in tea

High fluoride levels in tea plays an important role to strengthen the teeth. Children who used to drink tea are less likely to suffer from caries (40% lower compared with those not drinking tea).

Manganese (Mn)
Manganese can help normalize the metabolism of sugar, because Manganese is a co-enzyme of Metallo enzymes in the mitochondria. In the mitochondria sugars have a perfect solution to form energy.

Potassium (K)
Potassium larger amount of sodium (Na) will be beneficial for people with high blood diseases.
Copper (Cu)
Copper plays an important role in the body as co-enzymes that destroy free radicals play a role. Destruction of free radicals reduce the chance of getting degenerative diseases (heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc)

Benefits of vitamins contained in tea

Vitamin K
The content of vitamin K can reach 300 to 500 IU / gram of tea. So the 5 cups of tea is filling the needs of vitamin C a day. Vitamin K is essential in the synthesis of various components that play a role in blood clotting.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant substance and many referred to as vitamin inhibiting the aging process and vitamins that can prevent cancer. The content of vitamin E is quite high about 24-80 mg/100 g, but unfortunately much damaged during processing, storage and manufacturing.

Vitamin C
The content of vitamin C in about 100 mg/100 g tea green tea, but partly damaged during processing.

This is a negative thing to remember from drinking tea

Do not drink tea after a meal, especially a thick tea.
A thick tea can affect kidney function especially when the kidneys have the disorder. In addition, tea also contains phytic acid which can inhibit the absorption of Fe. So that Fe derived from the food we eat cannot be absorbed by our bodies.
Tea contains caffeine which is higher than caffeinated coffee
Compared to coffee, tea contains caffeine which is higher so that at certain levels of drinking tea can cause our heart palpitations result from excessive caffeine reaction in the body.

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